Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
My name is Allera Dawn, the Founder of Pure Light 1111.
I am a Modern day High Priestess. Spiritual Life & Business Coach. Soul Visionary, Multi-dimensional Channel and Healer. Maker of Magic, Lover of Freedom
Won't Fit In Any Box Society Has Laid Out For Her!
Let's Connect:
Website: www.alleradawn.com
IG: @iamalleradawn
Linked in: Allera Dawn
Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
Episode 93: Unplugging to get reconnected to my true authentic self (Quick pattern disrupt)
Hey Gorgeous Souls,
Unplugging from social media, the AI hive mind & understanding a new level of clarity around consciousness!
Tech addiction and sovereign consciousness!
Recognising our patterns and how a pattern disrupt of our routine & what we consume is a powerful medicine we can all tap into.
Let's explore what I was guided to jump straight into...
If you would like more detail...Reach out on Enquiry@alleradawn.com & I will share!
This is the Energy healing, clearing and disconnection from the 'hive mind' tools I used:
Raise your frequency 3D to 5D spiritual protection & energy clearing program
Get ready to soar in 2025.
Now is this time.
Join Us For A Deep Transformational Group Wisdom & Soul Activation session
Friday 1pm UK time 15th Nov 24
Sign up here: only £55.55!
Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess
IG: @iamalleradawn
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-A3gjfGCxBjXsRhtHSonOg