Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

Episode 82: Guest Hannah Appleby- Trust, Surrender & free-birthing alone on a mountain

Allera Dawn Episode 82

Hey Gorgeous soul,

I am so excited to share a new guest podcast episode with Guest Hannah Appleby, Mother, musician & alternative educator.

As we enter the re-birth into spring.  It offers a collective re-birth into a new chapter & opportunity to create a new story, narrative & experience for ourselves. 

Which requires deep trust, intuition & surrender!

Hannah shares a powerful pilgrimage of pregnancy where she faced many karmic initiations on her route to giving birth alone on a mountain in Ecuador, age 18. 

So many of her realisations about her ancestral line and the influence of the land are relevant for women today.  Including the awareness of protecting our sovereignty through what & whom we choose to listen to!

I hope you enjoy this episode...these starseed babies are definitely communicating!  This is the 3rd time they have channeled through me in recent podcast!

Lets rise together!

Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess

Ready to elevate your life and step into the path of becoming a way-shower and conscious leader?

Book a discovery call (this is for Diamond Brilliance 3 month Bespoke Program:
3 month vortex of alchemy, transformation & expansion

Book a call here: https://www.alleradawn.com/apply-to-work-with-me-now

Free program to expand your vision and consciousness
The Eclectic Woman- Activating your unapologetic self (download free here):

Quantum Business Session & 121 sessions:  Book here:

IG: Iamalleradawn

Linked in: Allera Dawn

Music credit to https://dayfox.de/