Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

Episode 84: Spiritual intervention, surrender to source, soul & asking to help before the big Eclipse

Allera Dawn Episode 84

Hey Gorgeous soul,

As we enter the Easter gateway & huge Eclipse remember the opportunity for re-birth.

As I took a walk today I was guided to share a spiritual intervention which occurred in 2016 over the Easter weekend in Glastonbury.  A battle of darkness & Ascended masters.  My life dramatically changed the following 12 months.

This is a time to choose & claim your path.   Many aren't connected to their own soul light & do not connect to source light.  Yet the triad of source, soul & you (this now time 3 aspect) is the core foundation stone for your alignment & ascension.

Ask for the spiritual intervention & expect the miracles.

Share with others & most importantly keep questioning, challenging & digging deeper.

Lets rise together!

Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess

Ready to elevate your life and step into the path of becoming a way-shower and conscious leader?

Book a discovery call (this is for Diamond Brilliance 3 month Bespoke Program:
3 month vortex of alchemy, transformation & expansion

Book a call here: https://www.alleradawn.com/apply-to-work-with-me-now

Free program to expand your vision and consciousness
The Eclectic Woman- Activating your unapologetic self (download free here):

Quantum Business Session & 121 sessions:  Book here:

IG: Iamalleradawn

Linked in: Allera Dawn

Facebook: PureLight 1111

Music credit to https://dayfox.de/