Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
My name is Allera Dawn, the Founder of Pure Light 1111.
I am a Modern day High Priestess. Spiritual Life & Business Coach. Soul Visionary, Multi-dimensional Channel and Healer. Maker of Magic, Lover of Freedom
Won't Fit In Any Box Society Has Laid Out For Her!
Let's Connect:
Website: www.alleradawn.com
IG: @iamalleradawn
Linked in: Allera Dawn
Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
Episode 89: 9th D Arcturian High Council- Creating miracles with your soul tribe & activation to reconnect with them
Hey Gorgeous Souls,
I am sharing a powerful transmission from the 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council.
I was curious about the huge impact of the collective lightworkers coming together to shift the effects of the recent hurricane!
This has created a huge activation around our true power of miracles and most importantly in dropping our differences and unifying for the greater good of humanity.
Aligned Luminary Leaders are needed more than ever.
Together we rise!
Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess
Ready to elevate your life and step into the path of becoming a way-shower and conscious leader?
Book a discovery call (this is for Diamond Brilliance 3 month Bespoke Program:
3 month vortex of alchemy, transformation & expansion
Book a call here: https://www.alleradawn.com/apply-to-work-with-me-now
Free program to expand your vision and consciousness
The Eclectic Woman- Activating your unapologetic self (download free here):
121 Visionary purpose sessions (1 week deep dives & beyond)
Book here: https://www.alleradawn.com/booking
IG: Iamalleradawn
Linked in: Allera Dawn
Facebook: PureLight 1111