Sober Vibes Podcast
Welcome to Sober Vibes, where sobriety meets empowerment! Hosted by sober coach, author, and mom Courtney Andersen—who’s been thriving in her alcohol-free life since 8/18/2012—this podcast is your go-to space for real talk, proven strategies, and inspiring stories from women who are redefining what it means to live without alcohol.
Each week, Courtney dives deep into the topics that matter most—from conquering cravings and navigating social settings to rebuilding confidence and finding joy in sobriety. Whether you’re newly sober, in long-term recovery, or simply curious about life without alcohol, the Sober Vibes Podcast delivers the support, insights, and encouragement you need.
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Sober Vibes Podcast
Sober Tip Tuesday
Episode 172: Sober Tip Tuesday
Welcome to the new pop-up series!
Sober Tip Tuesday will be episodes in Courtney that provide bite-size topics to help you in your sobriety journey. You can always listen to them when needed.
Sober Self Care is the BEST.
Thank you for listening.
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Today's Sober Tip Tuesday is brought to you by MD Logic Health, the trusted name behind the liver detox supplement. In today's fast-paced world, keeping our liver healthy is more crucial than ever. That's why MDLogic Health has crafted a powerful formula to support your natural detoxification process. Also, too, after quitting drinking, I highly recommend to detox that liver and start healing it. Introducing Liver Detox by MDLogic Health, a potent blend of nature's most effective liver-supporting ingredients. Their carefully selected formula includes milk thistle, known for its antioxidant properties and ability to promote a healthy liver function. They've also added alpha-lipolic acid, a key component in the body's metabolic process, ensuring your liver has what it needs to process and eliminate toxins efficiently. They didn't stop there They've also added dandelion root, and that further enhances your liver's health. With MD Logic Health Liver Detox, you're not just taking a supplement. You're making a commitment to a healthier liver and healthier you. It's time to a healthier liver and healthier you. It's time to give your liver the care it deserves, with the support of nature's most powerful detoxifying agents. Try MDLogic's Health Liver Detox and feel the difference it makes to your health and well-being. Just make sure to visit mdlogichealthcom, or visit the link in the show notes below to take you to the website and make sure, as a show listener, you use code VIBES15 to save at checkout.
Speaker 1:Hey, welcome to the Sober Vibes podcast. I am your host, courtney Anderson, and you are listening to episode 172. Sober Tip Tuesday. I've got a good one for you. Today we're going to start prioritizing self-care. I know I feel like the past three or this one is three, the past two we know we need to do this stuff because this day and age you're on social media, everybody talks about it, gurus, all of that. It's not you really do. Especially now more than ever, you have to take care of yourself and this is something that I just had to relearn over the past the past let's just say the past year, okay of especially to of coming out, of getting burnt out and then having to redo the things to make me feel better and where life didn't feel so hard. And that really does come from taking care of yourself. And when you prioritize self-care and start taking care of yourself first I'm not even talking about not drinking, okay, I'm just talking about the overall prioritizing the self-care is when you start taking care of yourself first all areas of your life flourish. It's a true story Things in your relationships get better Things. If you are a mom or dad, parenting gets better, because it just does not feel so hard, because you are pouring love into yourself. Your business gets better, work gets better Many things. You start seeing life a little bit differently. As I said, it doesn't feel so hard and like that you don't want to do it right. In the midst of life's demands and challenges, taking care of yourself may sometimes fall by the wayside, however, and challenges taking care of yourself may sometimes fall by the wayside. However, prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining sobriety and overall well-being.
Speaker 1:Here are some tips to incorporate self-care into your daily routine. Okay, again, I don't want you to look at this because I have five and I have notes, so I'm reading off of my notes. This is a little bit different than my, than my shoot from the hip, okay, but you don't have, don't feel like you need to do all of these five in one day. If you're like me, we like to baby step this shit and if you can just start incorporating one and add it into your routine, and then the number two, number three, four and five and so on, right, and it goes back to the habit stacking. So incorporate one thing, make it a part of your day-to-day routine and then keep on trucking to the next and next. Why I don't want you to do all five, why I don't think that all at once, is because it's too much and it is really possible to overwhelm yourself, and then on day three, just say F it and forget about this. You have heard me say on this podcast before, I have said it in my book like when I quit drinking and then quit smoking cigarettes six weeks later for my sweet Jair Bear RIP. Looking back, I'm like I should have held quitting smoking cigarettes off because it was a lot. It was a lot and I was an emotional demon, and so I just wish I would have taken one thing at a time. Now, for some people you can do it all at once, some people you can't. I have a feeling majority of listeners to this show cannot do it all at once and you are a baby stepper like I am. Okay.
Speaker 1:So your physical health make sure to prioritize your physical health by exercising regularly, eating more nutrient foods and getting enough sleep. So this is really like three in one. So, again, if you want to take one of these and start doing it and then adding two and all of that I will tell you. Exercising just go for walks every day, eating nourishing foods you aren't already doing this. And the diet I'm not saying like diet to lose weight, but your overall diet is lacking. Just start incorporating some vegetables to a meal and start there and prioritize that sleep.
Speaker 1:Prioritize sleep, man. Shut it down early, get yourself in bed, watch a little TV and then go night. Last night I went to bed at 8.45. Okay, and I know everybody's at different stages of their life with their sleep, but I really prioritize my sleep now because I have to get up with the whole dictator and I am with him all day long. However, I will say, even before he was born, I prioritized my sleep and that was something I really worked on when I quit drinking alcohol, because I was such on a night schedule that when I quit I had to immediately go to the nine to five grind and I was able to get my body back in that groove, but it took some time. So it took some time, but the sleep I can't. I need a solid eight to nine hours because I just I focus better and I perform better of the day when I have enough sleep.
Speaker 1:If you've ever noticed, too, I will tell you this If you're not getting a lot of sleep, you will induce an anxiety the next day, and if you are a sleeper and notice, like some nights, where you don't get enough and you feel that anxious feeling, it's because you haven't gotten enough sleep and your body needs it. So sleep, take naps if you need to, okay, but this type of activity is definitely going to boost your mood, reduce your stress and improve your overall health, and when we are feeling our best, we usually will make it easier to stay committed to sobriety. Emotional well-being this is number two. Take time to check in with your emotions and practice self-compassion and engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it's spending time with your loved ones, pursuing hobbies or practicing relaxation techniques like mindfulness or deep breathing. Definitely try to do one of these things, okay, breath work, meditation, crafting, reading books. You got to do something that is going to bring you joy and make you feel good. If shopping makes you feel good, do more of it, right. If baking makes you feel good, bake the cookies, have fun with it, but it's just something for you and to keep your mind, to keep your soul right, and, again, things that bring you joy.
Speaker 1:This past year, I'm telling you, I have found a newfound joy in going to the library. Okay, and again this is where I'm at in my life, but it was with the overall coming out of a burnout, but checking books out of the library and just going to the library and just walking up and down those aisles looking at books and it brought me back to my childhood years of enjoying being at the library and it was fun to check out books and not bring more junk into my house, of buying and consuming like that. So I have found a great deal of joy at the library and checking books out, reading them, taking them back and learning about other people's lives, because I took a pause on personal development books and I'm just reading about people's lives. Okay, also, too, I have to say another thing that I do for number two now, and I just want to share this with you because, in case you need to do it, to protect your energy, after I put the little dictator down for his nap, I go and lay in my bed for 30 minutes and I don't do anything other than just stare up at the ceiling and decompress because it's such high energy. It's a high level of demand and I need to decompress because I also, too, get. If you're a mom, you'll understand this of getting. You don't want to be touched, you just want to be left alone. You need to decompress. So this could be the same thing if you need to take that car, ride home and decompressing your home, or just go home and ask for a minute of time. It's fine to ask for 20 minutes to yourself and just to go into your bedroom or the bathroom and just sit there for a minute, okay, and decompress, ask for that time because it is much needed, and take a couple breaths, decompress and go on for the day, and usually that type of alone time is going to recharge you, re-energize you. It's also going to protect your energy and your mental and it will recharge you to be able to move forward.
Speaker 1:Number three boundaries. Establish healthy boundaries to protect your sobriety and well-being. Learn to say no to activities or situations that may jeopardize your recovery and surround yourself with the support of individuals who respect your boundaries and your journey. If you have people around you that are not respecting your sobriety, then you are going to have to look at that relationship and figure out where you want that in your life, because what's number one important to you right now for this Sober Tip Tuesday, is always you going to continue your sober path. But there's just no room for haters in your life, in this new life you're trying to live. There's no room for it, because what happens is when you start getting healthier which everybody does once they get the clarity after drinking alcohol what happens is you don't have time for the bullshit and the bullshit people, because there are bullshit people out there that you just outgrow and you're not on the same wavelength as them and they don't want good for you, and it's just time to reevaluate that relationship.
Speaker 1:Number four seeking support. Don't hesitate to seek support when you need it, whether talking to a trusted friend, attending support group meetings or seeking professional help. Reaching out for support is powerful and it's an act of self-care. So support is going to be your best friend in this road of sobriety, even if you have one person in your corner cheering you on. If you do not have, that's where I strongly suggest you try in-person support groups or online support groups. That way you have a network of people to tap into when you need that support. I have an online community, the Sobriety Circle. I will link it down in the show notes. Come and join. All of the information is down there, but there's options out there for you. So don't back yourself into a corner where it's I don't have anybody, when you can try to be connected, even if it's I don't have anybody. When you can try to be connected, even if it's just virtually, with people who understand it.
Speaker 1:Number five mindfulness and reflection. Practice self-reflection and mindfulness to stay connected to your goals and values. Journaling, again meditation, a quiet reflection can help you gain insight into your thoughts and emotions, fostering more self awareness and growth. Okay, again, when I said for number five, that's like the same thing of me, like decompressing after I put the little dictator down and just for myself to breathe it out and know that it's okay to feel that way, because for a long time I fought it where I'm, like I should be doing this. I should be doing that, especially as a new mom, not understanding all of this and thinking that you can almost do it all.
Speaker 1:I really don't think. I don't think and this might be an unpopular opinion, but I just don't think that women can do it all at once. I think you can do it all at different points of your life, right? Currently, right now, I'm in my toddler mother era and that meant that a lot of other stuff had to take the backseat because you only can focus on so much. Anyways, that's a different topic for a different day. But journaling is helps to the meditation and, like I said, the quiet reflection. It will all help you gain more mindfulness and to listen to your body and know what you need at that time.
Speaker 1:Okay, I will leave you at this and I want to keep reminding you that self-care isn't selfish, and especially if you're in those early days of recovery, those early couple years, you because for so long you were told selfish in your active addiction, and then you get on this other side and you get into sobriety and you're like, okay, I need to do this to maintain this shit right, and then you start getting told that you are selfish because you need to do this right.
Speaker 1:I totally believe we've all gone through this. Majority of us, 90% of us, have. But the reality is for you to be at your best, continue for long-term sobriety, continue for the healthy life you're looking for. You have to prioritize your needs first. That's what I'm saying, even getting into that house and being like I just need 20 minutes and I will be down in 20 minutes Saying that it's putting yourself first to go breathe, to go scream in a pillow, to go do what you need to do, to recollect and then carry on with the rest of the day. It's not selfish, it's something that we need to do more of. Okay, I hope this Sober Tip Tuesday helped. As always, make sure that you have subscribed, reviewed and rated the podcast so you never miss an episode and, as always, keep on trucking.