Alexander Disease Research Update

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #18: 1) Quantitative MRI in rat model, and 2) Developmental milestones in cerebral form of AxD

Albee Messing

Albee Messing, Nick Stowe, JP Yu, and Amy Waldman discuss the following recent publications: 

[4:30]          Stowe NA, Singh AP, Barnett BR, Yi SY, Frautschi PC, Messing A, et al. Quantitative diffusion imaging and genotype-by-sex interactions in a rat model of Alexander disease. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2023) in press

[15:11]        Acquisition and Loss of Developmental Milestones and Time to Disease-Related Outcomes in Cerebral Alexander Disease. 

Journal of Child Neurology (2023) in press

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