Alexander Disease Research Update
Monthly discussion of recent publications from the research literature on Alexander Disease, hosted by Albee Messing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
25 episodes
Alexander Disease Research Update – Episode #25: GFAP Variants in the UK Biobank - estimated prevalence of adult-onset AxD
Albee Messing, Charlie Wade, and Mel Feany discuss the following recent publication: [01:50] Analysis of GFAP variants in UK Biobank suggests underdiagnosis or incomplete penetrance of ...
Episode 25

Alexander Disease Research Update – Episode #24: 1) iPS cell model with aberrant development and 2) unusual variant in GFAP affecting the eye
Albee Messing and Natasha Snider discuss the following recent publications: [01:04] Aberrant neurodevelopment in human iPS cell-derived models of Alexander disease &nbs...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #23: Albee Messing's presentation at the recent conference in Philadelphia
Albee Messing’s presentation at the recent Alexander disease conference in Philadelphia, August 3, 2024. Send your questions and feedback to: amessing@wisc.eduHelp su...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #22: 1) anesthesia and AxD, and 2) GFAP cross-linking to itself
Albee Messing, Amy Waldman, and Natasha Snider discuss the following recent publications: [02:07] A retrospective observational cohort study of the anesthetic management and outcomes of...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #21: 1) Blood levels of GFAP, neurofilaments, and tau, and 2) planning for in-person conference in Philadelphia this summer.
Albee Messing, Jenny Pearson, Natasha Snider, and Amy Waldman discuss the following recent publication and the conference planned for this summer in Philadelphia: [02:02] Plasma concentrations...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #20: 3D bioprinting method for co-culture of neurons and astrocytes reveals new features of Alexander disease
Albee Messing and Linghai Kong discuss the following recent publication: [01:52] 3D bioprinting of human neural tissues with functional connectivity. Cell Stem Cell 31:260-274.e7 (...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #19: Giant Axonal Neuropathy and Alexander Disease
Albee Messing, Rachel Battaglia, and Natasha Snider discuss the following publication: [00:59] Intermediate filament dysregulation in astrocytes in the human disease model of KLHL16 mutation i...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #18: 1) Quantitative MRI in rat model, and 2) Developmental milestones in cerebral form of AxD
Albee Messing, Nick Stowe, JP Yu, and Amy Waldman discuss the following recent publications: [4:30] Stowe NA, Singh AP, Barnett BR, Yi SY, Frautschi PC, Messing A, et al....

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #17: 1) new iPS cell line, 2) acetylation and GFAP, and 3) STAT3 as a key regulator driving GFAP accumulation
Albee Messing, Rachel Battaglia, and Tracy Hagemann discuss the following recent publications: [01:45] A defined roadmap of radial glia and astrocyte differentiation from human pluripotent ste...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #16: Webinar - Guangping Gao lab
Webinar on the strategy and preliminary results for “AAV-mediated Gene Silencing for the Treatment of Alexander Disease” presented by Drs. Guangping Gao, Jun Xie, and Dominic Gessler from the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #15: subclassifications of Type I; questions regarding 1) mesenchymal stem cells and 2) the intransasal route of delivery
Albee Messing and Davide Tonduti discuss the following recent publication: [00:41] Type I Alexander Disease: Update and Validation of the Clinical Evolution-Based ClassificationMolecul...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #14: whole exome/genome sequencing; more questions on the brainstem
Albee Messing and Josh Bonkowsky discuss the following recent publication: [02:13] Identification of a novel de novo pathogenic variant in GFAP in an Iranian family with Alexander dis...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #13: MRI diffusion tractography - what can it tell us?
Albee Messing, Emi Takahashi, Arastoo Vossough, and Amy Waldman discuss the following recent publication: [02:03] Identificat...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #12: GFAP variants and oxidative stress/mitochondrial dysfunction; commentary on dizziness, risks of brain biopsies
Albee Messing, Rachel Battaglia, and Abby Olsen discuss the following recent publication: [01:00] Alexander disease GFAP R239C mutant shows increased susceptibility to lipoxidation and...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #11: neurology 101 (location, location, location), discussion on the autonomic nervous system
Albee Messing and Abby Olsen discuss the following recent publication: [03:04] Adult-onset Alexander disease: new causal sequence variant in the GFAP gene. (Neurology: Genetics, in pr...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #10: effects of variants in the rod domain on GFAP assembly and aggregation, new ideas about functions of intermediate filaments
Albee Messing and Natasha Snider discuss the following recent publication: [04:44] Effects of Alexander disease-associated mutations on the assembly and organization of GFAP intermediate filam...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #9: new mechanisms of astrocyte dysfunction, case report with novel variant, commentary on head trauma as an aggravating factor
Albee Messing, Mel Feany, Florian Eichler, and Ming der Perng discuss the following recent publications: [02:21] Wang L et al. (2022) Anastasis drives senescence and non-cell aut...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #8 - two case reports, natural history study of 21 pediatric patients, management of constipation
Albee Messing and Amy Waldman discuss the following recent publications: [01:08] Mateos et al. (2022). Developmental delay and progressive s...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #7 - common drugs tested in cell culture model; germline mosaicism vs de novo variants; electronic health records in research
Albee Messing and Michael Brenner discuss the following recent publications: [01:01] Bachetti T et al. (2021). Beneficial Effect of Phenytoin and C...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #6 - silent mutations, case report, new rat model, mouse proteomics
Albee Messing, Rachel Battaglia, and Peter Todd discuss the following recent publications: But first, revisiting the issue of “silent” mutations.[05:02] Xu, S.Y. et al. (2021).

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #5 - case report with silent mutation and area postrema syndrome; neuropsychological testing
Albee Messing, Amy Waldman, and Nina Thomas discuss the following recent publications: [01:28] Srivastava S, Waldman A, Naidu S (2020) Alexander disease. In:...
Season 1
Episode 5

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #4 - case report, clinical trials
Albee Messing and Amy Waldman discuss the following recent publication: [00:40] Amano E, Yoshida T, Mizuta I, Oyama J, Sakashita S, Ueyama S, Machida A, Yokota T. (2021). ...

Alexander Disease Research Update - Episode #3: crossing the blood-brain barrier
Albee Messing, Berit Powers and Rachel Battaglia discuss the following recent publication: [4:11] Nagata T et al. (2021). Cholesterol-functionalized DNA/R...