Work Life Balance for Speech Pathologists: Mindful Time Management Tips for Therapists, Clinicians, & Private Practice Owners

79. Mastering Work-Life Balance with These Most Popular Episodes

Theresa Harp

In today's episode, I'm reviewing the three most-downloaded episodes of the podcast, including why I believe these episodes were so popular and key takeaways from each one. Included are overviews of Episode 2 ('Break Free from All or Nothing Thinking'), Episode 64 ('Three Things You're Wasting Time on as a Busy SLP'), and Episode 6 ('Revolutionizing Clinical Practice with AI and Chat GPT').

PLUS I've got news!! I'm hosting a free masterclass on how to use ChatGPT to save time, so mark your calendar for January 30th, 2025, at 7 p.m. Eastern. Make sure to register for the webinar and stay tuned for more episodes aimed at balancing your career and personal life.

To find out how I can help you improve your work-life balance, click here.

Come join the SLP Support Group on Facebook for more tips and tricks!

Follow me on Instagram! @theresamharp

Learn more about Theresa Harp Coaching here.

[00:00:00] Welcome to Work-Life Balance for Speech Pathologists. I'm Theresa Harp, an SLP and Productivity Coach, and this podcast is all about how to build a successful career as an SLP and still have time for yourself and the people and things you love. So if you're ready to ditch stress and burnout for a more balanced and fulfilling life, then you are in the right place. Let's dive in.

Hello. SLPs, welcome! PTs, OTs, everyone, welcome to the podcast. I am recording this using video and audio. So if you are watching this in the SLP support group, hello. If you are listening to this on the podcast, hi. And I am cranking out episodes today. The dog is clawing at the door because he wants to come in and say hello.

So let me, let me do that. [00:01:00] Okay. Back. He. Was upset with me because I shut my office door. I didn't want him Oh, I shut the door because I've got laundry going on the other side and I didn't want the noise to be distracting But I think he felt a little left out. So he wanted to come in and say hello But back to back to business.

Okay, so I am home today Oh my gosh. Wait, I'm just gonna, for those of you that are watching, I'm just gonna lower this so you can see what, what is happening here. Okay, buddy. Go lay down.

He's so social. Let's, we'll say it that way. He's very social. Likes, likes attention. Okay, go lay down. Alright, thanks for being patient with Tuggy. He's, uh, 70 years old. [00:02:00] Is that true? He's very social. Yeah, he's 10. I had to think about that for a second. So he's 10. He's a year older than my oldest kids. So he's 10 and so, you know, in dog year 70.

But sometimes, and sometimes he acts like he's 70 and sometimes he acts like he's 7 months. I mean, he's just, he's a lot. So anyway, I'm home. I'm cranking out episodes. I'm recording episodes today, which I love. This is always fun for me. And today's episode, being that it is the end of 2024, towards the end of 2024, and this will probably be released right around the end of the year, I wanted to do an episode overview of the most downloaded episodes for the show.

So I [00:03:00] went back and I looked at I often do look at the podcast stats and look at number of downloads and trends and all of that fun stuff. And what I was reflecting on was, okay, what are the most popular episodes? Which are the, which are the episodes that are getting the greatest number of downloads?

Now, just to be clear for my sort of data friends, I was looking at overall. The number of the greatest number of downloads overall, not necessarily specifically during the year of 2024. So just want to be really clear on that. I didn't want to overlook the ones that maybe were a little bit older, but were very popular were, you know, the sort of heavy hitters, if you will.

So these are today, this is an overview of the three most downloaded episodes of the podcast. And I will link to all of these in [00:04:00] the show notes or in the comments section in the SLP support group. So that you can go and listen to them very easily, but I really want to share some of the highlights of each of these episodes, sort of my thoughts about them and why maybe they are so helpful for all of you.

Uh, so I'm going to give you all of that information here today and, um, also have a fun announcement at the end of today's episode. So make sure that you stay with me so that you can hear. my, my news. I've got something in store for all of you and you're not going to want to miss it. All right, so let's go.

These are the top three. So first episode that I'm going to overview for you today is episode number two, way back when, as called break free from all or nothing thinking. Now, [00:05:00] This episode has been around longer, so a couple of these episodes have been around longer, and so that might be contributing to the number of downloads.

However, I do believe that these are the most downloaded for a reason, not just because of the amount of time that they've been around, but because of the value that each one offers. So in episode number two, Break Free from All or Nothing Thinking, this one is, in my opinion, a must listen for Everybody, but especially for those who have ADHD or you suspect that you have ADHD, because This is something that I see.

This is something that I do. And in this episode, in episode two, I talk about my personal experience with all or nothing thinking, and it's something that I coach clients on every single day. This shows up in some capacity in [00:06:00] every. coaching session. Now, whether or not we dig into that and, you know, really unpack it, that's another story.

But it is one of the most common barriers, in my opinion, to time. What I would say is that it is the sneakiest mindset. It's a mindset and it's the sneakiest mindset that is costing you time. You might not even know that you're doing it. You might not recognize it as all or nothing thinking. You might know that you do it, but you don't know why it's a problem.

You don't understand or you haven't really seen or thought about the way that it's costing you. Or you might know that it's costing you. You know that you do it, but you don't know how to overcome it. You don't know how to get through it. So definitely go listen to that episode. I just, what I'll say here is all or nothing thinking is [00:07:00] something that we, it's, it is where we sort of focus on, okay, something is all good or it's all bad.

It's all this, it's, It's all of this or it's none of that. Okay, so it's this very black and white Thinking it's all or nothing and for me and I think for most of you all the magic is in the messy middle but we have human brains and we have perspectives that we that we hold and we might not even be aware of them and those perspectives that line of thinking is is what determines how we spend our time, how happy we are, how fulfilled we feel, all of these things.

And so, If this is something that you have ever caught yourself doing, go listen to episode number two. Now let me give you a couple of examples of [00:08:00] things I have said or things clients have said or things I've heard colleagues say that are indicative of all or nothing thinking. Okay, here are some examples.

That session was a total waste, or that session was a total bust. Nothing got accomplished. What a waste. Another comment that You might say or think some flavor of this is this report is going to take forever. This, this report will take me ages. I'm never going to get this done. Or another one. I got absolutely nothing accomplished, whether that's like in an hour, in your day, whatever.

Well, I got nothing done today. That was a bust, right? Like we say this a lot. We think this a lot and we think it and we believe it. If we don't challenge it, we just assume that it's true. We accept it [00:09:00] as fact, and it's not fact, it's just a thought. It's just a thought. Another one, Anytime I plan, things just fall apart.

Nothing goes according to plan, so why bother? Okay, these are all examples of all or nothing thinking, whether or not you realize it. These are examples of all or nothing thinking. So if you've said any of those, if you've thought any of those, any version of that, go listen to episode two. It will be an eye opener for you and it will really help you to start to notice where this is showing up for you and how it's costing you.

Okay, so next. Second most downloaded episode is. Episode number 64, three things you're wasting time on as a busy SLP. Now at first when I was sort of outlining this episode and what I wanted to say about each of these previous episodes, I [00:10:00] had said, I kind of had told myself I wasn't going to share with you what those three things are.

And as I'm talking this out loud and I'm sort of thinking out loud, I actually do want to share with you what they are because They might surprise you, they might challenge you, you might disagree, you might want to hear more. So, the three things that I talk about in episode 64 that I believe we waste time on as SLPs are planning sessions, checking email, and documentation.

Three things that we waste time on. Planning sessions, email, and documentation. Okay, so if this sort of intrigues you, go listen. If you hate any of those things or if you have a love hate relationship with any of those things, go listen to that episode, okay? Some of them and some of what I [00:11:00] say in episode 64 might hit a nerve.

You might feel called out. You might be rethinking things after you listen to what I have to say. You might totally disagree and that's okay too.

I truly believe that if you are, if you are, if any of those things are resonating with you or if any of those specific tasks sort of evoke a response in your brain or in your body, then that is exactly why you need to go listen to that episode. That's a sign that you need to go and listen to what I have to say, okay?

As a coach, as a time management coach, a productivity coach, sometimes my job is to say the hard thing. Sometimes I have to say the thing that is going to challenge you, the thing that you need to hear, not necessarily the thing that you want to hear. And it is feedback that is [00:12:00] meant to challenge you. It is feedback that's meant to push you and to help you grow.

It's feedback that's meant to support you and to help you think about things in a different way. Because if we keep thinking about things the same way and we keep doing things the same way, nothing is going to change. So. Go listen to what I have to say about why those three things are time sucks for SLPs ODs and what I offer to do instead, how to approach it instead, okay?

And just a disclaimer, just to be clear, I am not saying that we should never Plan sessions, check email or document. Okay, for the record, I just want to say that here so that it's clear. That is not the message. You'll have to go listen to that episode in order to really know and understand and hear me from [00:13:00] me and, and really get the message.

What it is that I'm trying to say about those three tasks, okay? All right, and then I've got the third most downloaded episode for you and remember I said there is a little announcement that I have for you that I'm really excited to share and it is directly related to the number one Downloaded episode so the most downloaded episode I kind of worked backwards in terms of the number of downloads Doesn't really matter but the most downloaded episode of the show is episode number six, revolutionizing clinical practice with AI and chat GPT.

Now, this is an older episode. So when you go back and listen to it, if you go back and listen to it, some of the information might be outdated at this point, and that's okay. In fact, that's one of the reasons why I have decided, and here is this. I've decided to host a webinar, a free [00:14:00] masterclass about how to use chat GPT to save you time.

So. I'm, I'm so excited about this topic. It was the topic that the members of the SLP support group said that you wanted to hear the most, like, this is the topic that you really wanted to know the most of, um, the most about, and so we've scheduled it for the end of January, once all of the sort of hustle and bustle of December is over, and you're hopefully into the swing of things in the new year.

It will be recorded if you cannot make it live. The date and time, just so you can make a note of it, Thursday, January 30th, 7 p. m. Eastern. Happening on Zoom. I will put the link in the show notes, or if you're watching in the SLP support group on Facebook, I'll put the link there. You do need to register.

It is free. There's no cost. It is meant to [00:15:00] be a way to really support you and serve you and help you use this amazing tool to save you time. I've got lots of thoughts about this tool and I know lots of you have lots of thoughts too. So mark your calendar Thursday, January 30th, 7 p. m. Eastern. It will be happening live and I really, really encourage you to come live if you can, but it will be recorded and a replay will be available for at least a short time.

amount of time afterwards. So don't let the date and time prevent you from signing up, okay? I definitely encourage you to be there and in the meantime, go and listen to episode number six so that you have a basic understanding of ChatGPT and what it can do for you. I talk you through some really practical, tangible ways that you can use ChatGPT in your practice.

If we're free, the free tool, I'm not talking about the paid version. So it can at least give you [00:16:00] some ideas. If you are not very familiar with chat GPT, or you've kind of wondered, but you, you want to learn a little bit more, go listen to that episode. Cause it'll give you practical tips that you can walk away with.

It'll help get you ready for the event on January 30th. It's a really way. It's a really great way to also get you excited about the possibilities of what this tool can do. And Then in January, when we come together for the masterclass, that will be an updated version and a more, I would say a more, um, how can I say this?

Applicable? It's more applicable information of how you can use the tool strategies to actually use the tool, not just things that you can use the tool for, but how to actually use the tool to get the most out of it. And I'm not going to be talking only about work tasks. I'm also going to be talking about home tasks.

So how chat GPT can [00:17:00] save you time at work, how chat GPT can save you time. In your home, in your personal life for all different things, because if you know me, if you've been here a while, one of the things you probably have heard me say is that when it comes to productivity, we really need to look at both work and home, not just one.

Not just the other, both together because they bleed into each other, they overlap, they affect one another. Nothing happens in a vacuum, in a silo. So, that webinar, that masterclass at the end of January is going to give you some tips for both. your work life and your home life. I'm so excited. So make sure you sign up.

Don't let it be another thing that you have to do either on your written to do list or your mental to do list. Just click the link now. All you have to do is click the link, put your name and your email address, and you are in. Then you'll get the Zoom link for the actual webinar. You'll get all of that sent to your email.

You'll get [00:18:00] reminders, updates, all that fun stuff. Okay? So, just two steps. Thanks. You're done. All right. So sign up today and I cannot wait to talk more with you about that in the coming weeks on the show in the SLP support group. And then of course to see you all there live on January 30th at 7 p. m. Okay, that is it for today's episode.

I can't wait to hear what you think. If you're watching this in the SLP support group, feel free to comment below. Let me know which of these episodes you're going to be listening to. And if you're listening on the podcast and you're not in the SLP support group, make sure you join the link to join the group is always in the show notes.

It's free and it'll give you instant access to a lot more information and resources about productivity, work life balance, all that fun stuff. All right. That's it for this episode. I will see you all soon.