Ultra Ladies Podcast

11 | Guest: Failing the Way to Success w/Rose O'Neill

Nancy & Sarah Season 1 Episode 11

Our guest today is ultra runner and domestic abuse survivor Rose O’Niell who was fortunate to have only lost her lower leg and not her life. After years of sustaining repeated physical, mental and sexual assault from her ex-husband, running gave her the confidence and strength to leave. After living a life in fear of the physical and emotional abuse and being very overweight from eating her feelings, deep down she simply knew she deserved more for herself and her children. In her own words “If I can do one thing to reach out and potentially inspire another to love themselves, become active despite personal difficulties, obstacles or physical injuries, or even leave a risky personal situation, I am willing to bare my soul to do so.” From ending the abuse cycle, then later being stalked and attacked, and then enduring years of enormous amounts of physical pain following her accident, Rose is a pillar example of positivity and overcoming adversity for us all “Failing the Way to Success.”  If you’d like to reach out to Rose or follow her journey, she welcome’s messages through her Instagram account @runroserun11

If you’re a domestic abuse victim please don’t hesitate to seek out someone safe that can help you. There are many people willing to help you - people you haven’t even met. Here are some additional resources for domestic abuse victims, their friends and families:

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service.


SMS: Text START to 88788

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

International Domestic Violence Resources

Book mentioned on today’s show: Feel the Fear by Susan Jeffers 

Follow us at ultraladies.com or on:





Trail Races hosted by Ultra Ladies can be found at trailrunevents.com or on Facebook and Instagram.

4/16 - Ahmanson Trails 6 & 12K

6/11 - Valley Crest Trails 10k & Half-Marathon

9/3 - Cirque Du Griffith 6/12/24/100M

10/ 8 - Rocky Peak Ultra 15/30/50k

If you’d like to leave a review, visit iTunes or Spotify. We read each one and your ratings and reviews really help! Subscribe on the player of your choice or download the show to listen anytime anywhere. 

Our podcast production is done by Stefanie, another badass female ultrarunner through her company, Wenninger Marketing. 

Remember: The information in this show and online is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition or to provide specific advice. It is intended for general education in