Ultra Ladies Podcast

16 | Taper to Your First Ultra

Nancy & Sarah Season 1 Episode 16

‘Tapering to your first Ultra’ is an important time in your training, almost as important as your race. For the beginners in the audience, we discuss what a taper is, and for the seasoned ultrarunners we cover tips and tricks for relieving those anxiety-driven taper-tantrums that occur when our running endorphins and serotonin aren’t released as usual. Looking for some ways to be more efficient in packing and planning for race day? We’ve got you covered in this insider's look at the weeks prior to that big race day. 

Thanks for listening! We can be at ultraladies.com or on the following social channels:





Trail Races hosted by Ultra Ladies can be found at trailrunevents.com or on Facebook and Instagram.

April 16 - Ahmanson Trails 6 & 12K

June 11 - Valley Crest Trails 10k & Half-Marathon

September 3 - Cirque Du Griffith 6/12/24/100M

October 8 - Rocky Peak Ultra 15/30/50k

If you’d like to leave a review, visit iTunes or Spotify. We read each one and your ratings and reviews really help! Subscribe on the player of your choice or download the show to listen anytime anywhere. 

Our podcast production is done by Stefanie, another badass female ultrarunner through her company, Wenninger Marketing. 

Remember: The information in this show and online is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition or to provide specific advice. It is intended for general education in the areas of health and wellness. All information contained in this site is intended to be educational in nature. Nothing should be considered medical advice for your specific situation.