Studio Chat
This is where conversations about self care and life happens, to help you to become an expert in your own life when it comes to self love and self care. To trust your gut and have your own back and to strengthen your mind/body connection."To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness".
Studio Chat
Trauma and Emotional Release with Claire Morisseau
Unlock the secrets of healing and self-discovery with Claire Morisseau, an alternative therapist and intuitive coach. Broadcasting from her serene location just outside Paris, Claire reveals how she helps individuals release trapped emotions and overcome trauma using innovative techniques like the emotion code and the completion process. Through her clairaudient channeling abilities, Claire provides clarity and guidance from spiritual guides and angels, offering a transformative path to personal growth.
Ever wondered how being in the flow state can transform your life? Claire shares her wisdom on the importance of expressing one's true self and how blocked emotions can impact physical health. Learn how the emotion code can help release these trapped emotions, guiding you to shine your light and realize your dreams effortlessly.
Healing childhood trauma takes center stage as we unravel the intricacies of the Completion Process, an 18-step journey designed to address early traumas. Claire's insights shed light on the significance of early education and intuition in understanding human psychology and improving relationships. With a focus on personalized care and commitment, this episode offers valuable tools for those on their healing journey.
Connect with Claire and discover more about her transformative work on her Facebook page, Claire's Healing Work http://www.facebook.com/claireshealingwork
Welcome to the Studio Chat podcast, the podcast designed to be your companion in the journey of self-discovery. I'm Barbara Thompson, your host and a dedicated therapist. I'm the founder and owner of Self Care Studio, a private counseling practice With my clients and courses that I create. On this podcast, I'm committed to ensuring that you have the support that you need. I created this podcast as a space for you to feel a sense of connection and a reminder that you're not alone in this thing that we call life, this adventure. This podcast is your weekly reminder to trust yourself, live life authentically and embrace the path that is uniquely yours. Together, we'll explore ways to break free from people pleasing, overthinking, allowing you to claim your time. You'll be joined by myself as I take you through some episodes or, during the year, I'll have some special self-care experts as guests on my podcast. So, if you're ready to step into a life that's truly for you, join me on this journey. Let's navigate the twists and turns of life together and, more importantly, live your life for you. Join me on this journey. Let's navigate the twists and turns of life together and, more importantly, live your life for you. So thank you so much for choosing to spend some time with me today. Let the studio chat begin. Hello, welcome back to another episode of the studio chat podcast.
Speaker 1:My name is Barbara Thompson. I'm the host of the Studio Chat Podcast and the reason why I started this podcast was to have conversations about self-care, conversations about us healing ourselves, us getting to know ourselves better, and bringing people from all around the world to talk about what they do themselves, personally or professionally, to help us in this thing called life, to help us move through things. And, um, yeah, the cool thing about a podcast is, yeah, we can go to places all around the world and right now, you know I do this for a reason on episodes I always say it's where I'm talking to someone, because I immerse myself. So right now, if you're with me, I'm about 75k southeast of Paris and this is my first French guest, so I'm so excited to have her on my podcast. Her name is Claire Morisot. Oh, I knew I would not get that right.
Speaker 1:That's fine oh.
Speaker 2:I knew I would not get that right. That's fine.
Speaker 1:Morisot, claire, can you please say your beautiful name for me, claire Morisot. I could listen to that all day and I did practice beforehand. But out of respect, I do like to get people's names right and if you've been a guest on my podcast, you'll know almost to the point that I'm a bit fearful now of even getting people's names right and I stuff it up. No need to be no, but welcome to my podcast. You've been doing what you've been doing. You're an alternative therapist, an intuitive coach. I've just been speaking to you off camera before we started recording. I've just been speaking to you off camera before we started recording. It's so beautiful to see the infectious work that you do. You're so fulfilled. You've been doing this for 12 years and you help people that have trapped or blocked emotions due to trauma and you help people reach their full potential, and I'm really really so grateful and honored that you're here today to be on my podcast. So thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for having me. Me I'm very grateful as well. Oh, I'm so great to meet you.
Speaker 1:We had a great conversation we had a great conversation, so I think if anyone's clicked on this, I would imagine they want to know a bit more. They may it may be for themselves, or it may be for someone that they know in their life that they feel like they've got trapped emotions or blocked emotions through trauma, and can you like walk me through what you do to help people?
Speaker 2:okay. So what I do to help people is I use several techniques and modalities that I'm, uh, that I learned, um, and I combined all those techniques and modalities together with my intuition, uh, so what? What I, what I use? Okay, I'm an emotion code practitioner. So the emotion code is about releasing trapped emotions. I created an extension of it through the channel because I'm also a channeler, which means I'm a clairaudient. Because I'm also a channeler, which means I'm a clear audience, I hear messages from guides and angels. Sometimes I'm even trained for that. So I'm trained in a specific channeling protocol which I use sometimes, and sometimes I don't need to use it because I just hear what the channel is saying. And so, with the channeling, I bring clarity and discernment to people that want to ask questions or are unsure about something or they need clarity. They need clarity.
Speaker 2:So, with the emotion code, I help people release their trapped emotions that are creating blocks, that are creating patterns or even physical ailments. And I also deal with traumas with a modality called the completion process, and I talk to the fragmented aspects of our personality, fragmented through trauma. You know that our personality parts of ourselves get fragmented and stay at the inside at the trauma stage and those parts of ourselves most of the time we're not aware of, but they can create a lot of blocks, a lot of a lot of emotions, you name it anything. So it's very interesting to dive into those parts and see what is causing why and to actually um, you know, like undo the knots. I love to do that, I love to undo the knots. I love to do that, I love to undo the knots. I love to find out what is the cause of this problem.
Speaker 2:Where does it come from? Because there's always a reason. There's always a reason, there's a logic. So most of the time we don't see it because it's all unconscious and we're not aware of it, and we're also not educated into understanding what's going on, which we should we should learn all this at school are. It's those hidden parts within us, those trapped emotions, those unhealed traumas that are running the show and we're not even aware of it. So I'm very passionate about working with all those things so the person can overcome their blocks and realize their dreams and grow and grow and evolve and be more happy, because in the end, it's all about being happy.
Speaker 1:It's all about being happy yeah, and I think someone like you too, when people come and see you, a lot of people think that when you need to, when you go and see a therapist or someone, that you have to have a reason why, like you have to know you almost have to have half of the steps worked out before you see someone like us. But I think if something feels off, something doesn't feel right, and that can be in your head or it can be in your body, or you keep repeating the same pattern and you go, I'm over this, or you're deeply unhappy, or you keep attracting the same pattern and you go I'm over this, or you're deeply unhappy, or you keep attracting the same people in your life, like, whatever your thing is, you don't have to know why. That's our job to help you through that.
Speaker 2:Exactly, we're trained for that. I love doing that. I love finding out what is going on that creates this and that for this person who doesn't understand it and and who's suffering from it. Yeah, yeah, you know I love to create happiness for people. You know, that's like like, like I told you in our conversation before this, I had a session yesterday with someone, um, and he was so happy at the end of the session. This is so rewarding. I just love that. I love to create a little bit more happiness for people that it's priceless, you know. It's that's what we, that's what we all want in the end. Yeah, we want to be more joyful, more happy, more fulfilled, and we want to be able to realize our dreams. You know, this person very much want to do something that he can't seem to manage to to do and, oh gosh, I'm going to love helping him do it. You know I'm very, very passionate about that helping people develop their full potential.
Speaker 1:This is really something that I love doing and creating more happiness. Yeah, because a lot of that you said comes through, uh, being in the flow. So for people that are listening to this and might not know what it feels like, what it means to when you do work and you're in flow, could you share a little bit about what, because I know what it feels like when I'm in there. Can you share with my audience, like what it feels like for you to? What does it look like? What does it feel like when you're in flow?
Speaker 2:yeah, it's oh my gosh, that's the best. Uh, it's when you have a client who comes with a problem and, for some, some reason, you know what to say, you know what to do, you know where to go, and it works and you don't have to think about it, it just comes to you as obvious almost in real time, and the session goes on like this. You just know what to say. And after the session, you're like, oh my gosh, how did I know that? Or wow, that was so great. Where did I learn that? No, I did not learn that. It came to me on the spot and it's kind of a little miracle somehow. Because, um, because I'm like, wow, then I didn't know. I was able to know all those things and and deal with all those problems and everything, and and I actually found out that I'm guided by, uh, whoever wants to guide me.
Speaker 2:On that day, on that session, I used my muscle test to test it. You know, when I'm really really in the flow and, gosh, and I have that with several clients, you know, and more and more it's actually I'm actually working more and more this way through the years. You know it also developed. It was not like this in the very beginning. This is really something that developed through the years and every time I wonder, okay, was it really me or was it the channel, maybe? And I test it and I always get a yes, that it was the channel, you know, and I love that and I'm like, oh, that explains it all. So I'm just being guided here. And it's great because it works, you know, because, of course, it's all about the results. So, if it helps people and they are, you know, what I love doing also is inspiring people, because I always give homework, because I don't know, my channel is like this you know, it gives homework, homework and action plan and steps to go through and things to practice and this and that to do. And, yeah, I very much love doing that and it's great to be guided in real time so I don't have to think about it. You know, it just comes. That's what it is to be in the flow for me.
Speaker 2:It comes up to me, I have the answer. I don't know where it comes from. Well, now, I kind of know, but you know, and the person sometimes, you know, I have clients that that take a session just to ask me questions. Just to ask me questions like, okay, this happened and I have this problem with my husband and I'm feeling this and that and what's going on. And I don't understand. And why did I react this way? And why is this? And I always have the answers Like this is what is being in the flow.
Speaker 2:It's like out of the blue. Like this, I have the answers, I don't have to think about it, I just know what to say and it's fluid. You know what I say is fluid, I don't hesitate and it hits the spot. And it hits the spot and the person has gains awareness and and, and, and she's and, and and they go oh yeah, okay, now I understand. Oh yeah, I get it. Oh, okay, it's like this and it's so easy and it's so easy and it's so and it's oh gosh, I love it, it's easy and it works and it helps people for real and it's very, it's extremely rewarding and it's easy. Flow is ease also. You know it's just, it's fluid. It's just you open, it's like you turn on the switch and it just flows. You know it's it just, it's fluid. It just you open, it's like you turn on the switch and it just flows.
Speaker 1:You know, yeah not for everyone, everyone don't. You know, some people don't have this gift, but what that's? What that's.
Speaker 2:I don't know. If it's a gift, maybe because it is maybe you. You maybe, if you're open to it, you're going to develop it through the years. You know it's also through practicing, I don't know Because you're very creative too.
Speaker 1:So you've shared with me that you're also a jazz pianist as well, which I think is so incredible.
Speaker 2:Is it? Yeah, that's my first career is to be a musician, and specifically a jazz pianist. So, yes, I love to improvise. You know, to play a jazz concert, you also need to be in the flow. Yes, you need to be in the flow. Yes, you need to be in the flow. Yeah, because 90% of it is improvised. We play tunes, you know, and we keep the chord schedule, but the rest is improvised, you know, we create our chords, we think about some harmonies and how we're going to play the melody differently, and the interaction between the musician, which is my favorite part. You know how we interact together in real time, and nothing of that, nothing of that is written, nothing. So when you, you know, hit some kicks together with the drama, at the same time, nothing was planned, that's magical, that's the flow, and I love that yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And to me, when someone, when I know they're in flow, to me that means you're on purpose as well. You're doing what you're meant to be doing and you love it and you're passionate about yeah, yes, yes, yes, absolutely yes.
Speaker 2:You're in your, you're expressing your what, what you're good at. Yeah, you know what you, what you, what you're meant to do, what you're meant to be. Yes, yes, you're shining your light, you know, and that's what I want to help people with shining their light and and realize their dreams and and be happier because of that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so when we're talking about blocked emotions or trapped emotions, because most of us, whether you know it or don't, most of us will push that little sucker down because we don't have time for it. We've probably been doing it our whole lives. So you could be listening to this going I don't push my emotions down, I don't block anything. I think about things, I write things down, I move through them. Yeah, so do a bit of a check on your body, like do you have acne? Do you have any skin conditions? Do you have a bloated stomach? How's your bowel movements? Any headaches, any anxiety, any depression? These are all locked and trapped emotions too. Um, so it might just not be. It's not always all in our heads and our thoughts. It can actually, when we push the stuff down, it can come up in all sorts of different ways, because all those different ways are like hi, can you like? Absolutely, I need help.
Speaker 1:And what I love about what you do is when you talk about this emotion code. Um, you mentioned to me before earlier that there's a minimum of about 60 different emotions, six, zero. Yes, you want to hear that, because I know the seven dwarfs happy, whatever the seven dwarfs are, you know some of those emotions happy, sad, bashful, whatever, oh right, grumpy. Yeah, I don't think there's 60. You know there's seven dwarfs and I think there's 60. So that blew my mind when you said to me Barbara, when I work with clients, I have the ability to. What you're trained in is to work through 60, a minimum of 60 emotions.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I, even, through the channel, I even added a few emotions here and there on the chart. Wow, yeah, I know I'm not the only one. I know other practitioners who who added some emotions. Yeah, I know I'm not the only one. I know other practitioners who added some emotions.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, so basically, it's a chart that has been guide us into an emotion in the chart and then, you know, we work on that emotion, we talk about it, we ask questions, and then, when the person is ready, it gets released. And then when the person is ready, it gets released. You know, it's the awareness that we put on one specific emotion related to something that happened at the specific age. So we usually go there, you know, when we need to know more about a trapped emotion, we test for an age and we ask the person what happened at that age that could have created this emotion? And then we, you know, uh, we ask, I ask questions, what, what happened, etc. And the, the, it's the, the, the. The fact of talking about it, like bringing it up to the awareness of the person, that releases the emotion. It's like I see it as a cleansing thing really. Yeah, you know what I do. I like to. I test it always, but I always test which modality to use for this person, for that problem and usually I use the emotion code as an entry point or as a I would need a better word as a preparation before using the completion process. You know the emotion code is not going to be enough if there is very deep trauma. That's why I added the completion process to my toolbox. That's why I added the completion process to my toolbox. But it's a great starter because you don't need to relieve the emotion. You don't need to. You know it's much lighter, it's easier for the person, it's non-intrusive, as Dr Bradley Nelson says, because if they don't even want to say what it's about, they can think about it and I can test if that's right and it's going to be enough.
Speaker 2:And you know what's amazing, with the emotion code, you can even work on your own for people. I can do it. Yes, I can do a session on my own. Some people like it this way. I can do a session on my own. Some people like it this way. I can do a session on my own and it absolutely works. Wow, it works. Actually.
Speaker 2:The team, the close team of Dr Brad, as far as I understood, they only work like this they do the session on their own and they send you by email all the trapped emotions that they released. And another thing that is really great with the Emotion Code is you can release what Dr Brad calls the heart wall, which is a protection that we built around our hearts, always because of traumatic events. Events. It makes sense, and and and and. It's made out of trapped emotions and we release it one emotion at a time, like brick by brick. You know, yeah, and it's super powerful. Oh my gosh, I had such great results only doing the hard work for people, like in case of conflicts. Uh, you know, difficult relationships.
Speaker 1:Um, oh it, it, it can work wonders yeah, really I'm a big believer and that's why I started my podcast is I'm just one person and I have my own modalities and I have my own style and I'm not for everyone. That's okay. But by bringing all these beautiful referrals and contacts that I have kind of selfishly got on my podcast, yes, it's for everyone else, but you better believe that everyone that I meet, when I have someone in front of me, I go actually that person can help you more. That person Like you know what I mean. It's such a beautiful thing because we're all at different stages of our lives and I know, at one point in my life, this conversation you and I having about channeling, about being in flow, about intuition, I would have gone what I would not have been. Um, I've done a lot of work and paid for a lot of courses and done a lot of stuff to get to this point, to even be able to have a conversation like this with you. So that's what I mean.
Speaker 1:Is anyone a year or two down the track listening to this episode? Um, you may be in the right place to listen to it and if not now, that's okay, because maybe in two or three years time you'll come back to it and you'll hear something new from it, and then you'll be like, oh cool, I want to learn more about my emotions. I probably don't want to go see a psychologist or a therapist as such. I want to try an alternative way. Or maybe they've been and they haven't really haven't been ready to let go or haven't been ready to. So there's so many different ways and they all help people, but I think it's about everyone educating themselves to find out what is right for me. What do I? Absolutely? And feeling trusted, and you're such a beautiful caring person, clear, and I just love the passion that you bring.
Speaker 1:And feeling trusted, and you're such a beautiful caring person, clear, and I just love the passion that you bring. And I think, yeah, you're. Every time you're talking about what you're doing. You know, I wish people could see you jumping off your chair, but that's what makes you you like, that's what working with you is infectious, that people can feel that energy from you. So, um, thank you, I love it. So, when we're talking about the emotion code, I guess the next part is the completion process. Um, I don't know much about that. Can you tell me a little bit about that?
Speaker 2:so, the completion process is is a process in 18 steps that has been specifically designed to help people heal their childhood trauma, the root traumas in early childhood, that the root traumas happen, the traumas that happen till age, around age eight. They keep repeating themselves. So the idea with the completion process is, when a person comes with a problem, whatever it is, we try to find what is the root trauma and we go there and we deal with it, and so it's a journey really, in which you guide the person step by step. You know, chronologically it's a script that's written that you may or may not follow. I like to sometimes go somewhere else because I feel this is what is needed. But anyway, this script is really designed to bring as much healing as possible.
Speaker 2:In a childhood trauma memory. There's even some energy healing. One of the steps is an energy healing, so the person at the end of the. It's a process that can take a bit of time. You never know how long it's going to take because you it's chronological, so you cannot go to step two if the step one is not completed. You know. So, depending on on on the gravity of the trauma and on the person, it's, it's, it's.
Speaker 2:I don't time it, you know, because it's, it's, it's. I don't time it, you know, because it's. I think it's not good to time it, like you know when you start, but you don't know when, when it stops. But but at the end you're gonna end up feeling regenerated and nourished and something really happened. You're gonna call all the fragmented aspects that got fragmented at that moment. We really go into one specific memory, and so they do that in a modality that's called soul retrieval. You know, I think shamans do that. It's called soul retrieval. We call it calling back the fragmented aspects, anyway. So all of what is happening during this process leads the person to a place that we call the safe haven, where there's safety and security, where healing has happened and the person feels more complete. That's the name of the….
Speaker 1:Because what happens is we all are here for lessons, we all are learning. We, we all are learning. We're human beings and we're here to learn things and it's never ending right learning things, but what it is is right. There'll be one main theme, one main thing in your life, and until you've understand why it's happening or how it's happened, and learn from that lesson, it will keep being repeated.
Speaker 1:Um so, for me, my lesson anyone has sent to this podcast, part of my lessons was having being brought up in a household with a father that was very, um, psychopath with narcissistic tendencies. So all the men that I pulled into my life until I was 38 were exactly the same, and so part of my lesson and learning was that's okay, that's not normal. And then that branched off to so many other things, and one of those things was intuition. So following my intuition was being in these relationships. That and it doesn't have to be a toxic relationship or a narcissistic relationship it can just be a relationship that's not meant for you. It doesn't have to be romantic. It can be your boss, it can be your neighbor, it can be a family member, right. Any type of relationship If something feels off or something doesn't feel right.
Speaker 1:That was the beginning of part of my lesson of I would never listen to myself, because I would always be like who am I? Well, I don't know anything like. And I would always trust other people more. I would trust other people's words. I want people to like me, so I didn't want to go against the. So I didn't want to go against the grain, I didn't want to share my opinion. You know, I just wanted to fit in and be liked, like all of us do.
Speaker 1:But that's the thing is, when you have these lessons, you need to learn. Well, I'm saying you need to learn, but things and I'm just, I'm sharing my example here of there was a pattern in my life that I kept repeating and repeating, and repeating until it got to the point. And during this time of there was a pattern in my life that I kept repeating and repeating, and repeating until it got to the point. And during this time I was doing little bits of work on myself and reading books or seeing a therapist or two and trying to understand. But it all came to a head where I kept repeating it and then, just one day, I was like, oh, oh, okay, right, and part of that I wouldn't listen to. I wouldn't listen to my intuition. You know, sometimes you feel funny in the tummy. You know, sometimes when you go on that date and you had the butterflies in your tummy, that's actually not a good thing, but I always was led to believe that, oh, it's exciting. No, my nervous system, barbara, run away, but that's. I just normalized that and I normalized I had pushed my voice down so much.
Speaker 1:Yes, I'm a strong personality. Yes, I'm very strong, physically, mentally, whatever, very confident, but when it came to any, any type of relationship, um, I was never being true to self, as in would never be like hang on, let me, let me sleep on this, let me think about this, let me check in. What do I want? Because I had never done that. What do I want? Where do I want to go? Who do I want to be? What's important to me? What's my, what's my beliefs?
Speaker 1:I was just running on that first seven, eight years of my programming of my life, my blueprint of Barbara, as in when you build a house, you have plans. As a child you're born, you almost have like a blueprint of that first seven years or so how you speak to people, how you treat people, what love is all that kind of stuff? And you carry that with you in your backpack your whole life, and so I was running off that blueprint who am I? I'm nothing, I don't deserve nice things or I don't deserve nice. So it was this thing that would keep playing out over and over again. So it was this thing that would keep playing out over and over again. And I think intuition is like my new favorite friend, and it has been for such a long time.
Speaker 2:And I hear that you work on your intuition as well. Yes, absolutely, yes, interesting. Yeah, sometimes I say things and I'm like is it me or the channel? And I hear, no, no, it's you. Sometimes it's you, go on, you're doing a great job. Sometimes I hear that from the channel. It's pretty funny.
Speaker 1:Yes, what station is that on so I can tune into my channel and hear them going good job, babs, good job. And they're probably right now. Listening is me going you fool. We tell you all the time, you just can't hear us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's very possible, very possible, yeah. What I would like to add to all what you were explaining. What I would like to add to all what you were explaining something that I'm also pretty passionate about is, yes, we need to listen to our intuition, but we also need to be educated, because there's no way we can Excuse me, I have a cat in my throat, as we say in French.
Speaker 1:Oh, we have a cat. I thought you'd say frog.
Speaker 2:No, no. What we have in our throat when we need to cough is a cat. There was a le chat.
Speaker 1:Le chat. Oui, un chat dans la gorge. Oh, I can't pronounce it. I can say cat, le chat, le chat. Very good, we say frog. I can't remember what's frog, une grenouille? Oh right, yes, that's right, grenouille. We say we have a frog in our throat. Anyway, you have a cat. Okay, carry on. Sorry, yeah.
Speaker 2:I have a cat.
Speaker 1:I forgot to tell you one at the beginning. I used to do a bit of French at school. I love the French language, so this is a mini French lesson for us, as well as talking about emotions and healing and intuition. All right, so carry on.
Speaker 2:Yes, no, I. I want to say that in order to be able to hear our intuition. That's my belief. Okay, this is what I got to. That's my own realization.
Speaker 2:Let's say I think education is key. Yeah, I think we, we should learn psychology at school, basic psychology, you know relationships, trauma, how does that work? Emotions, how to express your emotions so they don't get stuffed down, so I don't need to release your trapped emotions using the emotion code you know. Like, just imagine if we were learning that at school from a very young age, how different would the world be? Would we have all those conflicts, like seriously, would we have all those misunderstandings? You know, I really believe that. I very much believe the saying I heard once, never forgot anymore. We are all the victims of our own ignorance.
Speaker 2:So intuition is great and knowing how our brain function, knowing how our psyche function, is key. Yeah, so we can put concepts into what we feel. So we understand what we feel. So we understand the dynamics that are going on. So we understand the patterns. How can we understand the patterns, how can we understand, how can we even be aware of the pattern if we don't know what it is?
Speaker 2:If we don't know, you know what is a pattern, how things work, like I very much, I so. I so believe that you know, because I got to learn all those things. I'm working with those things because I learned them, I learned how and I keep learning. Like you said, there's no end to learning. I keep learning because I'm interested in understanding how we function, because I want to function, but I want to have better relationships, I want to understand people better, I want to understand myself better, and it's all for the same goal. I want to be happier, I want to make people happier, you know. So basically, it's all for a better world in the end it is yeah yeah, it is, because what else, you know?
Speaker 2:I mean, that's what we want. We want to be joyful and we want to be happy, but but so it goes. So, just to say it, knowing and education goes hand in hand with using our intuition. You know, I very much believe the more we know about psychology, the the more we can listen to our intuition, the more we can develop our intuition. It it's like the rest, we get to develop it.
Speaker 2:Me doing sessions for 12 years, I see how my intuition has developed through the years. It's not like I was no In the beginning. I would follow what I was, what I had learned, I would stick to the, to the script and and which is fine, it's fine. But but then, slowly I got to it. Just, it just happened that I developed my intuition and and, of course, I have the channel to help. So, yeah, I have both. I have the channel, I have my own intuition and I use my own knowledge too, and it's crucial to my work. The more I learn about how the psyche functions, the better I am for my clients. So it's all a combination of all those things, yeah.
Speaker 1:I think no, it's beautiful because it's such a. It's such a and you see, education is key. We need to be teaching kids this. We need to be in the school, yeah, and just uh, if nothing else, just having a more understanding of ourselves, like you're with yourself If we were teaching young kids.
Speaker 2:You know, like, basics at their level, at their level. You know, like, when you see siblings interacting with each other, you know there can be a lot of abuse, and I'm talking even toddlers, you know. So if the parents ignore. It's just my theory, okay, this is just my personal little realizations. If the parents don't see what's going on which most of the time they don't see what's going on Me, when I see what's going on, I'm like, oh my gosh, I have to say to that older child that you don't do that to your little sister or brother. You know, no, that's not OK to do that. Ninety nine percent of the times parents don't see it. They think it's normal. I just let the sibling deal with each other. They think it's normal. So and oh gosh, I can see that so clearly.
Speaker 2:So an abusive pattern. It starts when, like, it starts very early. You see it, it's obvious, but because the parents are not educated into that, they don't see it, they let it be, you know, and a pattern starts and it develops and, gosh, it would be so easy with just a little bit of knowledge, it would be so easy to shift the pattern, to educate the, the little child, very easy way you know like this is okay, this is not okay. As simple as this. As simple as this this is okay, but this is not okay and and it would change everything, it would change our relationships. I very much believe that. Yeah, and I'm not blaming the parents, I'm blaming the lack of education yeah, we all, the parents, do the best that they can.
Speaker 1:They really do. Oh yeah, um. And I think that the young clients that I see, I speak to them as how I speak to my adult clients. I don't deal just because I have an person in front of me. I don't speak to them any differently.
Speaker 1:Oh few, no swear words, obviously, but in saying that, they're very smart and kids remember before the age of seven. They also don't really have any preconceived ideas, so they're very open. That's when, when young kids, if you've been with a kid and they're like I don't like that person, mummy, or I don't like that person daddy, uh, they'll be right because they can feel things and they can see things and what have you. But that all gets blocked off after a while because that's not normal and you can't live like live life by your emotions or your intuition, because it doesn't pay the bills. That's why young people are so smart. Listen to them. They'll tell you what they need. They need to be listened to. They know already. They know what they. Oh yeah, they do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's funny that you're saying with siblings because, um, I've just been watching the whole time, my, my cat and dog. It's a boy and a girl and, as you were saying, I kid you not you were talking about and I know this is a serious podcast, so I'm talking about something that's a bit of lighthearted to wrap this podcast up. But my boy cat is sitting in the washing basket with all the holes in it and then my little girl dog, for the first time, is looking through the holes trying to traumatize them and, as you were talking about the trauma and brothers and sisters traumatizing each other, I was looking over at what I would call my two little children doing it and I was like, is this playing real life time for me, watching these two fight all the time?
Speaker 1:I was like absolutely yeah, because I'm just watching it yeah, yeah, it's, it's.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's happening with animals too? Yeah, absolutely no, but you can educate your dog and your cat oh they're very smart.
Speaker 1:The animals are very smart, but anyway, on a serious note, though, um, this stuff is, it is serious and it's um really important that we have a conversation and we get the word out there. And people this is just a normal conversation. You have over a cup of coffee at a cafe with some friends, and if you're hearing someone in your group or family member you know is going through a difficult time, there is this type of help too. There's so many different ways of being able to help yourself, help the ones we are, and I love this conversation that we've had today because it is maybe something different that people have not heard about before. They haven't heard about the emotion code, the completion process, and I think it's such a great start for you and I to begin this conversation of the start to help people. So if people would like to continue this conversation with you, claire, and have a chat with you or find out more about this stuff, where's the best place for them to contact you or get hold of you?
Speaker 2:oh, they can go to my facebook page, which is is Claire's Healing Work, and I believe they can. From there, they can even contact me on WhatsApp, leave a message on WhatsApp. I think there is a button that leads them to my WhatsApp. Okay, so that's the? Yeah, that's the easiest way.
Speaker 1:All right, I'll look for you on Facebook and add that in the show notes. They can just click on it in the show notes and contact you. Right, exactly, yeah, it has been. It is nearly 10.30 at night here, so if my voice is starting to sound a bit hoarse, yeah, I'm a bit. You know this is a time difference, but I've really enjoyed this beautiful chat and getting to know you Me too. Yeah, it has been Absolutely All that. We talk about this stuff, we normalise it and it won't be for everyone, and you know what it may not be for you right now, because I know stages in my life, even this type of conversation. Today I will have been so closed off, almost to the point of, oh yeah, I don't even know, I don't even understand it, I don't even know what it is, what is it, and I move on. But now meeting different people knowing how this stuff all works, holy hell, this stuff actually can make a difference, change lives, um absolutely, and it's so much faster than regular therapy.
Speaker 1:I would like to humbly add oh, are we gonna have a face off, are we?
Speaker 2:but no, I really I very much believe in in in modalities and techniques, like actual tools, you know, rather than just talking for 20 years, which which it helps you know, because it's important to talk, it's important to get the support, it's important to be able to express yourself and have this relationship with another human being. So it does work, but with actual tools and techniques it's so much faster, I really believe that, yeah, and I'm and I work differently as other therapists.
Speaker 1:We all, everyone has their own style in their way. But I know I don't operate like a normal uh, clinical therapist is because I work with the person in front of me, I treat the person in front of me and sure, we talk, but there's so many other ways that you better believe if they've got time for homework, like you, I give them homework, but I give them other tools and things that they can use so that they don't need me forever. Like, oh, absolutely good therapist is you. You bring someone on, you work with them and you help them through those difficult times. And then I have an aftercare program so I care for people afterwards. But then once you're on my books, you're on my books. So if you need to see me relatively, I can plan my weeks pretty well. If someone needs to see me in the next 48 hours, no matter how booked I am, I can manage a spot because that person's important to me. If they've chosen me as their person, you better believe I'll do the best I can, whether it's a year or two or five years down the track, I will remember you, you don't need to repeat everything again and you come in for like a chicken and you know a chicken and a checkup and a touching base.
Speaker 1:This stuff is serious. Like yes, talking therapy sometimes can get a bad rap, but you've got to find your person and you've got to find your person. And then also you've got to find yourself too. You've actually got to go. Am I just going to go? And I can't even think of a term. That's not a rude term. I'm gonna have to say it because you know like, yeah, just say it. I don't know if you've heard of this. I was trying to think of a nicer way of saying it because it's pretty crass. But have you ever heard of the saying like pissing in the wind or something like? Have you heard?
Speaker 2:no, I know. No, I haven't, but I cannot guess what it means.
Speaker 1:Well, I think okay, I don't even know if I'm actually saying that. Right, I'm probably going a bit delirious now because it's um a bit late, but it's like um, you've got to. You have to be really honest with yourself. Are you going just to tick a? Are you going because someone told you to go, or are you going going? Yeah, I want to kind of heal, I want to do some work on myself, but I'm not really into it. Like you, really, as uncomfortable as it is, because it is uncomfortable, man, the changes, like you, the changes that I've seen and the people that walk through my door and it's them, I guide them, but they've done the work. They've turned up, oh, absolutely, when they don't feel like it, they've done the homework.
Speaker 2:They've sat there and tried things, they opened up to it. Yep, that's the start yep.
Speaker 1:So it goes into a lot into it. You know the, and I understand it's very overwhelming. I understand it's like a roller coaster and the more that we can get this word out there, the better, the more that we can say that pain and those feelings come and go and that's the shitty thing. Like I sometimes yeah, I'm not gonna say that because it sounds really horrible, but I know the waves and I know when it comes and goes, but it will never go until you kind of face it head on. As much as you want to block it down. Hey, it may not show its head for 50 years, but when it does it'll come up and go hello, I'm here. So, um, yeah, you know there's, yeah, there's so much too that I want to say.
Speaker 1:But that's the hard, that's the tricky thing. Beginning to, it could be anyone. It can be a kinesiologist, it can be someone like you, it can be anyone in this modality space, because it's huge. You've got to find and there are a lot. Yep, try your thing. See, if you like someone. Word of mouth, mouth, I don't care who. You see it doesn't matter, but get started. I couldn't do the stuff by myself. You need someone a few steps ahead of you to show you the way and then you can go alone. But I think in those beginning parts, and to really normalize that, yeah, it is, but it's hard and you won't feel like it sometimes and sometimes you'll feel like you've taken 10 steps backwards.
Speaker 1:So many of my clients was in front of me and go, oh, my gosh, barbara, and they'll say to me I feel like I'm at the beginning, and then I'll pull their notes out from this first session and I'll read it to them and they'll go oh, was that me in my first session? I'm like yeah, and they're like oh. So I'm like yeah, and they're like oh, so I'm like well, I'll ask you this question now do you think you've gone 10 step backwards and you can go? No, but that's my job. I'm there to reflect back the work that they've done. I'm there to reflect back. You know all of us will talk about ourselves in a certain way and then, having someone repeat a sentence that we've just said, and to the point where you literally just come out of your mouth and I'm reflected back to a client, I'll say do you know? You said this three or four times and you said I hate myself. I'm not good enough, I should. And they're like did I just say that I'm like?
Speaker 1:yeah, wow yeah talking about the hidden pattern or a pattern we're not aware of yeah, and it happens that quick it's, you can have some you can say, it can come out of your mouth and you know what you've said, but you don't realize what you've said. And then when someone says it back to you word for word, I see it on people's faces all the time. I'll go interesting. And they're like what? And I say, oh, you just said this, this and this. And they go, no, I didn't. I'm like no, you did. And they're like, did I? Oh my gosh. And I go yeah.
Speaker 1:And the human language is so awesome because in that instance, when someone says something to me, it'll be something in their body language that will tell me. They'll repeat the word more than once, or their voice, their tone and their voice will change. And whatever it is in that sentence, sentence, I go that's what I need to work on. But this is only by experience of me doing what I do. And that's right, that's in the textbooks a little bit, but not really it is. But it's not how I work with people, because I'm their mirror, I help them.
Speaker 1:You know, in the beginning parts. You know, can you build a house from scratch with no plans? No, tomorrow can I walk into a garage and do an oil change on a car. No, but you better believe I can teach my. I can learn. With the right people and with the right skills, we can do anything. Yeah, absolutely just normalizing this conversation. Like you said, learning about it in school and just being able to regulate our emotions is such an awesome place to start before you go anywhere. It would change everything.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know it would change. It would change the life of people because it's, you know, there's there's always a huge change. React, the chain reaction. You know this happened in your childhood. And then you, you, you develop this coping mechanism, those strategies, and it goes on and on, and on and on, and it's all a chain reaction. Mm-hmm, what if, from the start, we stop it because we know what can possibly go on?
Speaker 1:it changes everything I love how you said it's a chain reaction. That's awesome, that's. I couldn't have said that any better. Um, oh, honestly, it has been a beautiful conversation today and we've started this. Yes, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you for joining me today. It's been a pleasure. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I hope this conversation has added value to your self-care journey and inspired positive changes in your life.
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