Studio Chat

Breaking free from unavailable people, people pleasing & the joy of saying no with Natalie Lue

Season 1 Episode 135

In this episode we are diving deep into a topic that so many of us can relate to: breaking free from unavailable people, letting go of people pleasing, and embracing the joy of saying no.

And who better to explore this with than the incredible Natalie Lue. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in toxic relationship patterns, bending over backward to please others, or struggling to set boundaries, this episode is for you. Natalie is the author of Mr. Unavailable and the Fallback Girl, a book that completely changed the way I see relationships and emotional availability. It was actually one of the first books that got me investigating why we’re drawn to emotionally unavailable people and why we stay, even when we know it’s not serving us.

In this episode, we unpack why we get caught in these cycles, how to recognise when someone is emotionally unavailable, and most importantly, how to break free. 

So, if you’ve ever felt like you’re always the one giving, waiting, or hoping for change, this is your sign to step into your power. 

You can find Natalie here: 

Instagram: @natlue

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