Studio Chat

The Power of Homeopathy: Why you need it in your life | The Wild Herb Lady

Season 1 Episode 136

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy could support your health and well-being naturally? In this episode, I sit down with Kylie Poole, aka The Wild Herb Lady, to dive into the fascinating world of homeopathy - what it is, how it works, and why you need it in your life. Kylie shares her story experiencing life with chronic eczema and depression and at one point in her life was suicidal and how homeopathy has literally changed her life.

We chat about:
✨ The basics of homeopathy and how it differs from conventional medicine
✨ How homeopathy can support emotional and physical health
✨ Everyday remedies you can start using now
✨ The power of natural healing and reconnecting with your body’s wisdom

Homeopathy is a 200 year old form of alternative holistic medicine. Based on the treatment theory of, "like cures like", the practice centres upon stimulating the body's own healing response and strengthening it's ability to heal itself through specially-prepared, highly-diluted preparations. These remedies are selected based on an individual's unique set of symptoms, as well as their specific affinity for states of ill-health, so whether they are experiencing things physically, mentally or emotionally.

​If you're curious about alternative healing or looking for gentle, effective ways to support your health, this episode is a must listen! 

You can find Kylie and work with her 1:1 or in one of her many online courses here:


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