Project Weight Loss
Your best life is just one project away. The Project Weight Loss Podcast is where you will learn the tools and skills to change what is weighing you down, lose weight and above all, improve your quality of life. This reinvention of your life could have a tremendous ripple effect in all you do and everyone you touch. To learn more and work with us visit https://projectweightloss.org.
Project Weight Loss
Ryan Holiday: The Stoics Maester
In this week’s episode of Project Weight Loss, I share some of the wisdom of a modern-day Maester of Stoicism, Ryan Holiday, whose teachings are so beautifully aligned with our journey here. We explore how living into our truth and building truly beneficial habits can help us reach beyond our goals and find our true purpose. Reflecting on many of the powerful Stoic reminder, such as the reminder of memento mori, the reminder of death, that helps us propel our lives to live in the best way we can. We consider what it means to let go of the good to make room for the great, as the wise Zig Ziglar once shared.
As you listen, I invite you to consider a new mindset—one that keeps you proactive, focused on what truly matters, and living with the end in mind. Remember, you have the power to shape your life, and intentional choices can help you live it to the fullest.
And as our Maester Ryan Holiday reminds us: “For the Stoics, life was a gift, something to be lived, and philosophy was a way to live it well, to live what they called the good life.”
Quote of the week:
"One day is equal to every day. If you can get one day right, you have a shot at getting your life right." – Heraclitus
Let’s go, let’s get it done.
Get more information at: http://projectweightloss.org