Standout Women: Personal Branding, PR & Thought Leadership For Female Experts & Entrepreneurs

How to "Un-Button" Your Content Writing and Easily Turn Conversations Into Opportunities for Your Personal Brand + LinkedIn Content Tips With Heidi Medina

October 27, 2023 Michelle B. Griffin
How to "Un-Button" Your Content Writing and Easily Turn Conversations Into Opportunities for Your Personal Brand + LinkedIn Content Tips With Heidi Medina
Standout Women: Personal Branding, PR & Thought Leadership For Female Experts & Entrepreneurs
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Standout Women: Personal Branding, PR & Thought Leadership For Female Experts & Entrepreneurs
How to "Un-Button" Your Content Writing and Easily Turn Conversations Into Opportunities for Your Personal Brand + LinkedIn Content Tips With Heidi Medina
Oct 27, 2023
Michelle B. Griffin

Is your content suffering from professional doom and gloom and wasting your time, money, and sanity with NO results?

Posting without a payoff is a waste of time, money and sanity. No one has time for that.

This week's episode of Ask The Brand Therapist with expert guest Heidi Medina will share her story of how she transformed her content and her bank account with the a-ha of content that solves, shares, AND sells.

Learn how to shift your content strategy into conversation-starting and client-attracting content that gets the eyeballs and stops the scroll, and starts conversations that lead to more visibility and opportunities for your personal brand.

Plus; LinkedIn content best practices to implement now to see faster results.

Connect With Heidi Medina on LinkedIn (for talk-to-text posting) use this link for one free month of Otter Pro
AuthoredUp - my go-to LinkedIn creation tool

Get Visible and Grow Your Industry Authority

Hi, I'm Michelle B Griffin. I write, speak, and teach women experts how to position themselves as the go-to authority in their fields so they can expand their reach, grow their businesses, and become industry thought leaders.

Stop Holding Back! How to Amplify Your Visibility for Your Expert Business

Get visible and stand out confidently as a woman in business.
MY NEW BOOK: Sign Up For Updates (11.19.24)
READ MY BOOK: The LinkedIn Branding Book
JOIN: My Branding Community
LISTEN: The LinkedIn Branding Show
CONNECT: With Me on LinkedIn and Instagram

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Is your content suffering from professional doom and gloom and wasting your time, money, and sanity with NO results?

Posting without a payoff is a waste of time, money and sanity. No one has time for that.

This week's episode of Ask The Brand Therapist with expert guest Heidi Medina will share her story of how she transformed her content and her bank account with the a-ha of content that solves, shares, AND sells.

Learn how to shift your content strategy into conversation-starting and client-attracting content that gets the eyeballs and stops the scroll, and starts conversations that lead to more visibility and opportunities for your personal brand.

Plus; LinkedIn content best practices to implement now to see faster results.

Connect With Heidi Medina on LinkedIn (for talk-to-text posting) use this link for one free month of Otter Pro
AuthoredUp - my go-to LinkedIn creation tool

Get Visible and Grow Your Industry Authority

Hi, I'm Michelle B Griffin. I write, speak, and teach women experts how to position themselves as the go-to authority in their fields so they can expand their reach, grow their businesses, and become industry thought leaders.

Stop Holding Back! How to Amplify Your Visibility for Your Expert Business

Get visible and stand out confidently as a woman in business.
MY NEW BOOK: Sign Up For Updates (11.19.24)
READ MY BOOK: The LinkedIn Branding Book
JOIN: My Branding Community
LISTEN: The LinkedIn Branding Show
CONNECT: With Me on LinkedIn and Instagram

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody. It's Michelle tuning in to give you a heads up on what today's conversation is all about. It's about content and conversations. You know we need to put content out there to show our expertise, develop our thought leadership, really put our personal brand out there. But guess what? It's not easy and I know I suffer from this as well because for me it's so easy to have conversations with people in real life. But you put me on LinkedIn and on social media. I have this layer around me. What if there was a way that you reframed everything you thought about putting content out there? Well, today's guest is all about that.

Speaker 1:

I'm thrilled to have in the show Heidi Medina to really help us turn our content into conversations. Heidi is a Genek social media marketing strategist and business coach with more than 25 years experience building for businesses. She works with online business owners and coaches to turn LinkedIn connections into paying clients and collaborations, using content and conversations and having more fun, and that makes me so relieved, and you too. I bet right. Putting content out there, writing and all this shouldn't be a chore. She tells us exactly how to use our online voice and gives us some really good theory and strategy and takeaways. I first found Heidi when she joined my community and this past summer I took one of her workshops and learned so much. We talk about social selling, linkedin which changed in the last year and how to really pivot the way you're putting yourself out there with content.

Speaker 1:

I know you'll love our quick, actionable episode, but let me know I love when I hear from my listeners and friends and connections all about what you thought of this episode. So reach out to me on LinkedIn, let me know in the comments. I absolutely love hearing your feedback. So I know you'll love today's topic and let's get into it. Hey, there, it's the brand therapist, michelle B Griffin, and welcome to your weekly personal brand therapy session. As a certified personal brand and PR strategist, speaker and author, I'm here to empower you to put yourself out there so you can find clarity, build visibility and grow your industry authority. I'm super excited you're here. Now let's get going with today's session. Welcome everybody to this week's episode of Ask the Brand Therapist. I'm the brand therapist, michelle B Griffin, and I'm thrilled to have my guest today, who's going to help us tackle the problem of content Putting ourselves out there with content. It doesn't have to be a waste of time, energy, and it should be getting you results. So, with that being said, welcome to the show, heidi Medina. Hi everyone.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for having me, Michelle.

Speaker 1:

It's good to be here. I know you're all the way in Portugal, so we appreciate you taking time off. For those who haven't met you yet, tell us exactly what you do, who you do it for and how you do it.

Speaker 2:

I am a social media marketing strategist that specializes in social selling on LinkedIn and I'm not talking about that full DM sending stuff, it's actually conversations and content, and it's all about creating a marketing strategy to build relationships that can go beyond just paying clients and be clients. It can be collaborations, speaking gigs.

Speaker 1:

So it's a lot of fun, I really enjoy what I do and it is so needed out there, especially for people building their personal brands, which many of our listeners, of course, are. So just a little bit of backstory. I think we first met because you're in my community. Back this summer, I signed up for one of your content workshops and was just blown away. And then, when the top video content came up, I'm like, oh, I need to get Heidi. But then what really sealed the deal? And I want you to really tell us about it, because this is going to be so relatable to so many people. And you guys can check it out too. If you go to her bout section on her LinkedIn profile. She starts right away with Back in 2018. She tells a story that really transformed her business and herself on the way she puts content out there. So tell us that story and how it led to that aha moment and then, leading up to now, what we're going to talk about today.

Speaker 2:

It was the first time I had a rant on LinkedIn. So I had been on the platform posting for a few months to almost for bits, and one day and I honestly don't remember exactly what the topic was, but I was in a rant over it and I just got on LinkedIn. In two or three minutes I had the post out, posted it, dropped the info, read it, closed my computer lid and walks away. 10 minutes later I was like, oh my God, I just did something not professional on LinkedIn, I've got to be banned. I got to get back on. I got to hope I can get this deleted, Everything's okay.

Speaker 2:

And I opened my computer, logged on. I had over 30 comments and not one person said anything about the F-bombs. I said they were relating to me, they were talking to me. It was an actual conversation and that was the day I realized that stuff be boring for professional. It's not what LinkedIn's about and it's about real conversation. I'm not recommending everybody to drop the F-bombs or anything or rant to everybody, but it was just so raw and real that people relate it and since then that's how I work with all my content, because it made me realize content is a conversation.

Speaker 1:

And it got you from. I think you even said in that story you weren't having any luck with your content. It was too buttoned up, it wasn't getting you any leads or clients. But then that day was actually a blessing in the skies. Yes, don't go drop four F-bombs and all that, but there's a way, and we're going to learn today how to be relatable.

Speaker 1:

Make content a conversation, and LinkedIn's tagline is something like LinkedIn, where business conversations happen. But today we don't want to talk about being like buttoned up, businessy, nor do we want to talk about hey, look at me, sexy selfie stuff either. There's a middle ground. That's what I call the word professional, but I want to dig into you. You learn in that moment how to do it. You teach people how to do it. You teach business owners, coaches, consultants with a lot of success, and yours too. So where do we start from here? How do we go from buttoned up to I have to be this way to using content as your online voice. You start by letting go of what your ideal professional about LinkedIn is.

Speaker 2:

I mean that everybody's got in their head and I still see, literally just yesterday about Facebook, what I was talking to people about LinkedIn and she was like I don't do LinkedIn. And I said why? And she says it's corporate stuff, be professional to businessy, to everything. And I was like I said you haven't been on there in a while. And she's like, yeah, but I'm connected in my old life to corporate people and I'm like there's the problem Follow me and join me and we'll talk about it.

Speaker 2:

The thing is people having this idea of their head that professional is suit, tie, breathe, cage, got to be all serious but they forget when you go to work. I don't care what kind of job you're in. If you're around the water cooler or you're talking to your people, you're having real conversation. You're not all oh my God, we got to get this brief in every time. You're not like that. So you show up on LinkedIn as you do with your clients. It's professional for you.

Speaker 2:

And when I realized that and I also started realizing the content is your online voice. It's how you have the conversations with the people on the other side of the screen. And that realization and the disconnect that people have, that it is people on the other side of the screen. When you let go of all of that and you realize this is your voice, this is your conversation, this is how you're speaking to people, it changes everything. And when you start thinking of content as conversation, it's your conversation starter. You know what you want to talk about. You know what you want to get people plucking about to you, but how do we do it?

Speaker 1:

It sounds so easy to say, but I'm thinking what if I'm using as a fictitious person? What if I'm buttoned up, bobby and Bonnie, and I don't know how to do it? I want to be that person. You broke through. You had that aha moment. How do you tell your client, or show your clients how to do it? Because we know A LinkedIn is not that buttoned up place anymore. People want it Also, too. The algorithm changed a couple months ago, so they are supporting that expertise. So how do we blend? Sharing our expertise but sharing our personal side? As I always say, what's the first step? I'm a student. Here, too, I'm trying to peel back more layers every day.

Speaker 2:

I think the first thing to do is I actually tell my clients. One of the biggest ways to get through it is to pick your favorite client and write your content to them. Speak to them in the content. How would you, if they were sitting across from you on the other side, say it's virtual, it's on the other side of the Zoom screen. You're staring in their face. How are you actually going to talk to them? That's how you write your content. You write it exactly how you would say it if they were sitting there.

Speaker 2:

And some of my clients and this is a trick I do with part of them too is I'm like use talk to texts. We all have the option. If you need to get your phone out, if you want to do it in your notes or do it in a Google Doc whatever, they all have it Click the microphone and actually speak the piece instead of trying to even write it. And that's a great way to help you learn to write like you talk, because then it converts and you start seeing it. You start seeing your actual speech and text.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I was going to say the same thing. I recommend that to my clients, but I use Otterai, the free version, and you also can get the recording and then transcribes it and you learn the Michelleisms or the Hydeisms, the things you say, and those are little drops of your brand that just start making that top of mind thing how you say things. And the funny thing is you're my community. I do one of those community posts in like a minute. It's just me talking to you all friends, of resume or coffee.

Speaker 1:

But the weird thing is, when I try to do posts, I freeze up and I think that's a lot of us and I know this isn't really like a LinkedIn 101 for content, because this applies to Instagram, social media, any platform. We're a little more intimidated. So we have to know forget being the button-up self. We have to recognize people want us Talk to one person. Another thing is talk to text and then what you got to have a strategy too. This is all good, but I feel like you got to know who you're talking to, what they need and how you solve it. So how do you string that next?

Speaker 2:

You actually start with that. Those are the answers. I've had a time like I start everybody, and with the colors, the foundational pieces is one. Your first thing you got to know is what you're working to achieve, and that's the thing people forget. They're like okay, I need to write my content to my adult client, but what is the purpose behind that piece of content? What are you actually trying to achieve? See, you do need to know and understand why you're creating the content to begin with, because that way you're going to achieve your purpose. Because we can throw out content all day long.

Speaker 2:

People are used to free stuff all over the internet, so you could throw out teaching pieces all day long, but are you going to achieve the actual result of converting that into clients, building your personal brand, getting your dream job? No, it starts with understanding. Why do I want to create content to begin? And then you start from that point. Yes, you got to know your ideal client intimately so you can speak to them. And then it's also about like stories I like. It's about connecting people. Yes, it is with strategy. Yes, you are going to have a call to action on it that results in what you're wanting. But I also and I think I have it laying here I also want every single piece of content I do to create some kind of emotion or feeling in people, and these are mine and I keep them right side my computer here so that I know it's health, security, safety, confidence, knowledge, control, freedom, permission, fun and empower my content. I want it to create at least one of those feelings that you want.

Speaker 1:

The emotions, because we connect emotionally before we do logically. Yeah, and so social selling is another undercurrent of what you're doing here, but it doesn't have to be salesy, and if you want people to take an action and you want those goals and have a strategy around, it doesn't mean, yes, you have to show up and say buy my this, buy my that. No, you're telling stories that evoke emotion, a feeling, and it's sometimes, yes, you've got to lead people to that action. So how do you be subtle about it? Because I feel like some people just freak out when you say the word take an action or something. Because I don't want to waste. We shouldn't be wasting our time in anyone else's.

Speaker 1:

Content is a commodity. Now, right, and another thing I want to ask you about, and maybe it should be part two. But to add to that, back in 2021, when I went all out on LinkedIn every single day, I was doing a lot more how to content. Then the platform got so flooded and now I really feel like how I do this content, why I do this content? Here's how we can help you. Content is really resonating better, and so tell me your thoughts about all that loaded question I just gave you no, but you're right.

Speaker 2:

You're right. Everything changed in 2023. Literally, Like earlier this year, I really had to pivot my entire social solo strategy because everything that worked in 2022 was not working this year. And it is that, instead of saying you do this, this when I switch the post, this is how I do it, that one subtle shift this year is making so much more of a difference because it resonates with people. It makes sense when you think about the psychological of it. Instead you got oh, you got the teacher over here, do this. Instead, you're like, wow, this is what I'm doing, this is what works.

Speaker 2:

So you're guiding now instead of all, instead of just telling people what to do and it's a different shift in empowerment for people it's also telling them what you're doing, what's working, and then they have a choice whether to take it in and use it versus oh my God, this is it. Because everybody's confused. There's so many different ways to market and, of course, everybody's got their different way on sharing a different way. You share a different way. Everybody we know shares a different way, so it's about presenting it. So you find your people that resonate with the way you're sharing Absolutely More micro niche too.

Speaker 1:

I think we need to be more micro niche than ever and I think chat GPT coming out in the last year really just commodified everything. We were faced with the onslaught of chat GP tips and that I just want to scream when I see any kind of hacks, any of that like. I just want to know the real meat and potatoes that the right people I'm attracted to resonate, that I can learn and you can learn from everyone. Really, we all have something to share, our unique stories and perspectives on things that's going to resonate and make sense to someone more than the other. So, essentially, you're telling us that we should go from being the guru to the guy, the gentle guy. Hey, this is a journey and you're on it. Let me show you what happened to me, or this works for me, and you figured out yourself. So it's a lot more gentle approach and I think we really need more humanization and personalization and I think that's what that connection, that emotional feeling, comes through to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you're completely right. I was actually just talking with Neil Simpson earlier this week. I was talking about how I feel like I'm guiding people now and he even used the word explore and I was like wow that's really cool too, rather than because we're, let's be honest, so the media and text moving so fast.

Speaker 2:

nobody's an expert. It's changing quickly. You're just steps ahead of other people, that's all you are. And so this idea of that tone of voice, I just truly believe it comes back to it. If happens to people, because now you're guiding them, you're not trying to say this is the only way, and one of the big messages I'm always telling everyone is there literally is a million and one ways to market. They all work, but it's just about finding the ones that work for you.

Speaker 1:

And the ones that you can stay consistent and committed. We all fell victim to shiny objects, myself included. But I realized now hey, does that my natural strength? Am I just doing that? Because everyone does it? And here's a tip not anything personal, anyone.

Speaker 1:

But if you are distracted by other people's content, that's just not aligned with you. I just unfollow people. I keep my clear lane with my blinders on because truly, shout out to Bruce Waller, who is one of my connections. Months ago I read this quote he put in a post and I actually put it in my signature talk when you're in your own lane, there is no traffic. You don't have to look to other people for the answers and how to do it. Maybe look for some people and see how they're doing it, but then stay in your lane.

Speaker 1:

Do it works, because you'll just stop and be stagnant. You've got to lean into what works for you. So I love that you brought that up. So much goodness here about setting the tone, resetting the expectations, recognizing that platforms, algorithms change, people change, the world's changing with chat, gpt. But we still want to get out there. We still need to get out there and share a voice and our expertise. How do we do it now, emotionally connected, but how do we take the action and turn content into conversations and then clients? Because I work for you and you've been doing that the last five years, ever since that aha moment.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, it's the mindset shift and for all of my clients that's even the aha moment too is when they realize that it's truly their online voice, that it is a conversation. And I know that sounds simple, but it is a massive mindset shift because you tend to think that you're typing on a keyboard. People forget. I literally had a coffee chat with a girl the other day and she's asked how she could support me and I said hey, you've been lurking my time, ted, but you don't comment, join the conversation. And she went what conversation? And that's the mentality, that's what your comments are and that's what content is. And so that shifts that mindset of I am talking to a human being on the other side of the screen. I'm talking to somebody who can be my client, to be a collaborating appear, a friend and one of my best friends I met through LinkedIn lives in Virginia.

Speaker 1:

Michelle J Raymond and I met on a comment back in three years ago and she's in Australia. So there you go, it worked.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and so when you realize your content is a conversation to build relationships, I think people feel safe behind the screen and they find behind the screen and they do and say things they would not say in person, and this is something I tell everyone that I mean, if you will not say it to someone in person, then don't say it online.

Speaker 1:

That should be the golden rule of all social media, like the rule that you could not use our platform unless you follow this rule. Gosh, the online world would be a lot better place, but luckily, places like LinkedIn they're a little bit nicer than some of those. But you're right, say it like we're talking and I think the biggest takeaway is just talking to one person. They always say, like, in copyrighting right to one person, same as online writing, and you're having a conversation, but you need to have a really structured goal, because what are your thoughts about people to say, oh, just get on LinkedIn, you'll figure it out.

Speaker 2:

No, because if you do that, you're just going to build this mishmash. I got advice back in the day to connect with everyone that sends you a connection request. No, build your community deliberately so that you know you're talking to the right people. That way, your conversation you're sharing is going to resonate with them because you've put the right people in your network. I call it a community. Once again, we're humanizing the words.

Speaker 2:

But also another thing with the getting the content that works and converts is don't forget to invite people into the conversation. How are you doing that? The CTA usually invites them in. I'm asking opinions. I had a curious. I asked questions. I don't just hammer it out to people. And this is me. I'm an island. I don't want any outside thought. I'm inviting outside thought. I am asking questions and then when people drop comments, I drop comments and questions to try to continue the conversation because it's about relationship building. A little bit like whining and dining on a day you wouldn't going to sit down at the table across from a brand new day that you just met, you would not ask them. Most people are not going to sit there and talk just about themselves. You want to get to, none of the other person. So that's the same thing you're doing with your planet You're trying to get to know people so that you can build a relationship that burns into a quiet.

Speaker 1:

So keep that conversation going. So tell us. As we're winding out, let's give the tactical side of things. We just talk strategy and story. But going back to your story, because you're guiding people a few steps ahead of you who are maybe struggling with putting content out there that's not resonating and getting results. How do they turn the corner? And know the conversation, but how do we turn the corner to get closer to that conversation? That's getting them a collaboration or a client or whatever that is they want.

Speaker 2:

For starters, go back and make sure you know who you're talking to, and knowing your ideal client, who it is you're talking to, is the starting point. And then, if you're sure they're in your audience you know for a fact they're there that you're actually talking to the right people. You have the right people in your community. Ask them. Ask them what they want from you. Ask them what they want to hear from you. The best way you can do anything to create a bun tent that's going to work is literally to ask people. If you need to run market research calls, get people on a call, talk to them, see what they're saying. Put out a question that asks them what do they need help with? See what they're asking they need help with. When you do that, your content is guaranteed to resonate because you're creating content that they ask for, that they want it.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah again. And then you also have go into groups or have your own group. You have that Facebook group I believe I'm a part of on Facebook. I don't get on Facebook much, but I know you have that, so I'm sure you're able to source of what you. You create a like-minded group on a certain audience or promise or problem, and so are you gleaning a lot of information from that group or they just making it known what they need. Does that help you, clue you in?

Speaker 2:

To be perfectly honest at last theory yes, this year Facebook birds are a lot quieter than they used to be.

Speaker 1:

Really Interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, way quieter than they used to be, so a little bit further on there. But I'm actually doing it through my community on LinkedIn. I've deliberately built my community. I built it slow. A couple of times I've done the convergence to make sure I have the right people in my audience and I make sure that I'm connecting with the right people that I want. And so I'll put out a question or thought that he thinks going on for people, let them see what the responses are, and then for the people that respond, if you want to know more, get in DM and ask them more.

Speaker 1:

I always say the voice of customer, the voice of client, whatever. Because they say in a copyrighting world, get to know them. And you really can't get to know them unless you have a conversation. So that's the whole point, and then that helps you with your offers. I know you've been pretty transparent about some offers falling flat and some not, but that's how you tighten things up and then you live and learn right, and so you keep refining all that you're doing. So I absolutely love this, Because we wrap out today. Every personal brand therapy session has some actionable takeaway so that we can encourage people to put themselves out there, start those conversations. Heidi, what is your one action takeaway that we can implement to help us start conversations?

Speaker 2:

Open with a question and then at the end invite people in to actually answer that question in the comments. Let them know it's okay, let them know that you actually want their thoughts and opinions on it and, in that particular type of fun to keep the pitches out of it, make it a true conversation and then get into the comments with them and continue that conversation as long as they're willing to talk to you, ask questions, ask them more what they're thinking and feeling when they answer you, that kind of stuff and, if need be, move it into the AM and find out more. But needs to go a little deeper. That's the big thing, is a lot of good content for me that actually gets the conversation really going is I start with a question so do you mean not a CTA, like I do?

Speaker 1:

What are your thoughts? You mean the top of the pose? Give me an example.

Speaker 2:

What do you think about commenting on social media posts? Do you do?

Speaker 1:

it. So you're saying just put the first sentence, make that a question, because people will see that they're not going to see the question buried in the bottom. That's really good market research and I think people I'm hunting that I give me a hunch that maybe, if you respond to that versus some people have proposed to polls. Now polls on LinkedIn have really died down over two years ago. They're obnoxious. Now I really see pretty decent ones. So I don't mind sometimes answering, but you're right.

Speaker 1:

So to get to the heart of content, that really is going to have a conversation. You got to know what people want to hear and what people are interested in so that you can write about it and have a chat. I like that a lot. So I am going to say my actual takeaway is something I already just said. But if you're just tuning in or maybe miss that, talk to yourself. Now do I mean talk to yourself? No, here's what I do. So every morning, for the most part, I'll go and walk and I get the most brilliant ideas or content or something, because usually it's before sometimes post. I usually sometimes post on the cuff. Even I have tons of content and I'll just pull up otterai and just griff and it sounds just like me and it saves time.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness, it saves time so you can just hate some of that put it in authored up, which I love and use. So shout out to that and Then you've got it and then you maybe, if you're on a roll, your brain's fired up you could do a couple posts when she starts something so much easier. So that's my actual takeaway and that overall theme today is just start conversations to the one person. Realize your voice matters. Your online voice is you and you can change lives and change your own life and really help people by Just getting the mix being you and just talk, and for the most of us, that's not too bad, that's not scary. When we frame it that way, you're just talking to people. It's that simple. Like we're doing it Exactly, but in a digital format. Heidi, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your insights and your expertise about content and conversations and your stories Shout out to you so people want to learn more about you.

Speaker 1:

Tell us where they can find you. Elite. I don't want to thank you, heidi, and listen for you listening, watching on the replay on the podcast. I want your question. If you have a question that you would like to ask me, ask the brand therapists. I'm gonna put a link in the show notes and the comments and you can submit it and I'm gonna answer a question, give you a shout out all the things in the podcast.

Speaker 1:

If you're an expert guest, I can solve a personal branding question that so many of us have. I would love to hear from you, share your story and your expertise. Again, let's get your stories and your expertise out because, at the end of the day, as I always say, keep putting yourself out there. So, with that being said, heidi, thank you again, thank you all for listening and I will catch you all next week. That's a wrap for today's brand therapy session. Are you ready to get visible and build your personal brand? Then head on over to the brand therapist I O and grab my free Resources to get unstuck and get going today and until next time, thanks for listening.

Turning Content Into Conversations on LinkedIn
Emotional Content Strategies for Effective Connection
Starting Conversations and Building Relationships
Brand Therapy and Personal Branding