The Gay Buddhist Forum by GBF
Buddhism for Liberation and Social Action. We invite teachers from all schools of Buddhism to offer their perspectives on the dharma and its application in modern times, especially for LGBTQIA audiences.
Produced by GBF - The Gay Buddhist Fellowship of San Francisco.
Podcasting since 1996 • 873 episodes
The Gay Buddhist Forum by GBF
Latest Episodes
Practice as if Everything Matters - Steven Tierney
______________ Steven Tierney (Kai Po Koshin) is a Dharma transmitted teacher in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi. Steven has a new Sangha: Oceans Compassion Sangha and also practices with Gay Buddhist Fellowship, Meditation...
Season 30
Episode 6

Emotional Liberation - Prasadachitta
______________Prasadachitta was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2011 and he became the Chair of the San Francisco Buddhist Center in April 2022. He was born on a “back to the land” commune in rural Northern California...
Season 30
Episode 5