Brand & New

AI and the Legal World: A Revolution Happening in Real Time, with Richard Susskind, Author & Adviser (United Kingdom) -Initially posted on November 21, 2023

Season 5 Episode 10

Artificial intelligence (AI) can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide valuable insights. Zooming in on its impact on the legal industry, AI has already proven to excel at tasks such as legal research, document analysis, and contract review. This is enabling lawyers to handle large volumes of data more quickly and accurately than ever before. However, some of the legal profession fear how AI will impact their jobs. And that fear isn’t unfounded. Goldman Sachs estimated in a 2023 report that 44 percent of current work tasks in the legal field could be automated. What does AI hold for the legal practice? Is it the threat that we most commonly hear about—Are we all going to be replaced by machines? Or is it an opportunity to evolve? Or maybe both? In short, is AI the revolution that many talk about for the legal world, and how can we prepare for it?

Our guest today is no less than Richard Susskind. Mr. Susskind is a renowned expert and visionary in the field of law and technology. With a career spanning several decades, he has made significant contributions to our understanding of how AI is transforming the legal profession. Mr. Susskind is not only a prolific author but also a sought-after speaker and consultant, advising governments, law firms, and legal organizations on how to adapt in the Digital Age.

His work has been translated into 18 languages, and he has been invited to speak in over 60 countries. He has written 10 books including The Future of Law, Tomorrow’s Lawyers, and, with three editions, The Future of the Professions with Daniel Susskind, with the last edition was published in 2022. He has also published two editions of an online course titled, “The Future of Justice.” He has also contributed more than 150 columns to The Times. In 2000, he was appointed an office of the Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty, the Queen. In 2022, it was announced that His Majesty the King, had approved Mr. Susskind appointment as an Honorary King’s counsel. 

Brand & New is a production of the International Trademark Association
Hosted by Audrey Dauvet - Contribution of M. Halle & S. Lagedamond - Music by JD Beats


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Richard Susskind’s official website
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