The CU2.0 Podcast
This podcast explores contemporary, critical thinking and issues impacting the nation's credit unions. What do they need to be doing to not just survive but prosper?
Podcasting since 2019 • 430 episodes
The CU2.0 Podcast
Latest Episodes
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 343 Total Expert and Utah Community Credit Union on Mortgages Today
About 4.7 million homes sold in the US in 2024.Does that sound like a dead market?On the show today is James White of Total E...
Season 7
Episode 343
CU 2.0 Podcast the Post GAC Recap with Sarah Snell Cooke: Is This the End for NCUA?
This is the weather report from GAC, last week’s credit union confab in Washington DC. On the show to report on key developments is Sarah Snell Cooke, former editor in chief and publisher of Credit Union Times and now a
Season 7
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 342 the Credit Union - Pro Spoorts Conndection
Can a $350 million credit union play in the big leagues? Don’t tell Christine Blake, CEO of $350 million Cardinal Credit Uni...
Season 7
Episode 342
CU 2.0 Podcast Greatest Hits #24 Cliff Rosenthal on CDFIs
Cliff Rosenthal literally wrote the book on CDFIs, community development financial institutions. Hear his story in this podcast that dates back to 2019, episode 37 <...
Season 7
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 341 Steven Reider of Bancography on How to Really Analyze Branch Closings, Openings and Mergers
Here’s the money question for you to ponder: : should you close that branch on Third Street and open a new branch in a neighboring town? Keep in mind that the ballpark cost of opening a new branch is $2.5 million. As for costs in a ...
Season 7
Episode 342