Her Daily Drive
Her Daily Drive is an Australian Christian podcast series designed to inspire and encourage you wherever you are on your Journey of Faith. What are you waiting for! Grab a coffee, subscribe and be inspired to take your relationship with Jesus deeper, as you hear real conversations with women of all ages.
113 episodes
The Missionfield of Motherhood - with Joanna Herschell-Adair
How often do you say "I'm just a mum"? In this episode Jo gently encourages us to remember how significant our role as a mum is and the power in praying for our children and teaching our children to pray.
Season 3
Episode 113

Joy, the fruit of faith - with Elin Morris
Joy is the fruit of Faith! May we be reminded that joy is not found in our circumstances but in our faith and hope in Jesus.
Season 3
Episode 112

Experiences and learnings as a woman who cannot have children - with Catherine Solomon
In this episode Catherine shares learnings from her experience with infertility, "what I’ve learnt is that having children doesn’t complete my family. Having children would add to my family. It’s Christ who completes my family and that happened...
Season 3
Episode 111

Society’s chronic pain avoidance problem - with Katie Isles
Sometimes as Christians we have this strange expectation that life won’t hurt and when it does hurt we question why God and why me? This is not serving us well. If we aren’t careful we can make an idol out of comfort and ...
Season 3
Episode 110

Embracing the Liminal Space - with Savaen Cameron
In this episode, Savaen reminds us of the constant presence of God in our lives, urging us to create intentional moments to tune into His voice. Join us as Sav explores the beauty of embracing each season of life as a precious gift from God.
Season 3
Episode 109

Empowering women in every sphere and season they find themselves - with Julia A'Bell
After years of both pastoring in local church and serving the worlds most vulnerable, Julia is more passionate than ever about local churches everywhere being God’s answer and vehicle to serve the world around them. She is deeply fulfilled ...
Season 3
Episode 108

Sharing with God in the cost and privilege of bringing forth life in motherhood - with Jodie McIver, Author of Bringing Forth Life
You can find Jodie’s book here:https://youthworksmedia.net/products/bringing-forth-lifeIt is also available from major Christian bookstores (Koorong...
Season 2
Episode 107

Dreams in the slowness of the Motherhood journey - with Artist and Designer Susanna Dobbin
@susannaapril for originals, prints, phone cases and art licensing
Season 2
Episode 106

Practical parenting - with parenting and social skills specialist Liz Giovas
To purchase Socially Starting Out head to www.shininglifeskills.com.au
Season 2
Episode 105

Covenant marriage bringing restoration to parenting and motherhood - with Dr. Tash Yates
Season 2
Episode 104

Faith and friendship when you are navigating motherhood with sick children - with Di Tuppen
This season of Her Daily Drive, whilst inspired by Motherhood, is for everyone. Because we all have a mother, are a mother, know a mother or know someone who has a mother. My prayer is that the wisdom offered by a handful of prayerfully selecte...
Season 2
Episode 103

Remembering to be kind to yourself - with Abigail Hogarth
“We all have moments of self deprecation… maybe it’s Aussie humour, maybe it’s social media’s influence. Either way, it’s so important that we remember to be kind to ourselves, just like we would a friend” Abigail Hogarth joins us ...
Season 1
Episode 102

We are all leaders because leadership is influence - with Stacey Tarrant
“For a lot of us when we think of leadership we think of CEOs… but we don’t really recognise that we are all leaders, because leadership is influence” Stacey Tarrant joins us again on the podcast to talk about leadership in a reall...
Season 1
Episode 101

Who is the way maker of your life? - with Sarah Hands
We can become our own way makers in life. Life is busy and it is hectic and before we know it we have our one year plan and our five year plan, and we have decided everything and God has decided nothing. It's so important to, with the busyness ...
Season 1
Episode 100

How intentionality can unlock your capacity - with Christie Kirk
Reminding yourself that you do have a big plate and you do have a big capacity but that takes intentional growth, and intentional growth that takes intentionality in all that you do. We are not our own strength, but God is our strength. We are ...
Season 1
Episode 99

Is it necessary, is it helpful, is it kind and is it true? - with Katie Baldwin
I’m not talking about filters on your phone, on instagram or on snapchat. I’m talking about filters that I use for my words, whether they be written or spoken. In society, our words can have real power or be really dangerous - so I always apply...
Season 1
Episode 98

Reflecting on what God has done through journaling and prayer - with Hannah Schmidt
It doesn’t matter what happens between now and two years time, five years time or ten years time. Nothing that happens in that season is ever going to seperate me from Him. He’s not going to leave me in that season. I love being able to write a...
Season 1
Episode 97

What does it mean to be human? - with Alex Crook
What does it mean to be human? It’s so important to take a step back and ask this question, because our society today is so fast paced and image focused and productivity obsessed and success worshipping — that there is always going to be someon...
Season 1
Episode 96

Take time to retreat, breath and refill your soul - with Lauren Harkness
We all need to make sure we are taking time to retreat from our busy lives. Jesus took time to retreat with God and so we also need to take time to retreat with Him. If you are someone who struggles to retreat you may benefit from a physical re...
Season 1
Episode 95

It's okay to not have your shiz together - with Samantha Freestone
"If we can’t share with our brothers and sisters in Christ the realities of our life, then I feel like we are missing out on the power of the Gospel. Christ came to save us because we are broken, not because we have our shiz together." - Samant...
Season 1
Episode 94

Fill your life with more of Jesus - with Lauren Andris
We can desire Jesus to be the main thing, and yet it's all too easy to let other things take priority. We need to start filling our lives with more of the main thing; more of Jesus! "You become what you behold, and you become like the ...
Season 1
Episode 93

Does your mould of marriage and a husband match God's? - with Fa Matangi
We can be so blind-sided by what the world tells us our marriage should look like. You should never judge a marriage from what you can see on the outside. God has helped me see that my understanding, my mould of what my husband should be like o...
Season 1
Episode 92

He carries you through every challenge - with Naomi Tallu
“Everyone feels terrified about something. But as I continue walking on this journey the Lord reminds me that he carries me through every challenge, again and again. And that although the world can be a terrifying place, his love never will be....
Season 1
Episode 91

God has positioned you in different circles for a reason - with Holly Burgmann
“Recently God challenged me that I am on mission for Him every day of my life. At work, with my kids, at the park, at the shops, with my friends, at soccer… God has positioned me in all my different circles for a reason. That reason is so that ...
Season 1
Episode 90