One Small Bite
Food Therapist and Nutritionist David Orozco brings you a non-diet approach that will optimize your physical, emotional, and mental health One Small Bite at a time. David will help you chop harmful diet myths by providing thought provoking conversations grounded in sound nutritional science. From hot topics like fasting, fad diets, sleep, and chronic illnesses, to emotional health, David will help you create body positivity, build healthy relationships with eating, make peace with food, and work on your internal weight. David will cover proven methods to fuel your body and nourish your soul so that you thrive and evolve your internal mindset about health and wellness. The One Small Bite Podcast is where you come to challenge vulnerabilities in order to transform your life, small bites at a time. Subscribe today and take the first bite!
One Small Bite
Ep 164: Are Carbs Making Me Fat?
Hola amigos! This possibly one of the most common questions I get from clients, or anyone. Listen in to this amazing episode where I set the record about carbohydrates, and whether they actually make us gain weight or not.
In this episode you'll learn...
- The different types of carbohydrates
- Why the are so important for our health, and what that means
- How carbohydrates are essential for fueling your body
- The connection carbohydrates have to our identity and culture
- Whether they do or don't make us gain weight
- A simple One Small Bite approach to enjoying them
I'm really pleased to share this episode because I think it can really help people get a better understanding of carbohydrates and how they can be a part of any diet.
If you like reading alone, or prefer a full read, feel free to visit my website. I provide a complete write up for this episode.
Get more stories about clients and their transformation to a more positive relationship with food and their body. Get Your Copy of the book -
One Small Bite: Anti-Diet Stories that Empower You To Build a Positive and Secure Relationship with Food
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Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!