One Small Bite

Ep 164: Are Carbs Making Me Fat?

David Orozco Episode 164

Hola amigos! This possibly one of the most common questions I get from clients, or anyone. Listen in to this amazing episode where I set the record about carbohydrates, and whether they actually make us gain weight or not.

In this episode you'll learn... 

  • The different types of carbohydrates 
  • Why the are so important for our health, and what that means
  • How carbohydrates are essential for fueling your body
  • The connection carbohydrates have to our identity and culture
  • Whether they do or don't make us gain weight
  • A simple One Small Bite approach to enjoying them

I'm really pleased to share this episode because I think it can really help people get a better understanding of carbohydrates and how they can be a part of any diet.

If you like reading alone, or prefer a full read, feel free to visit my website. I provide a complete write up for this episode. 

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One Small Bite: Anti-Diet Stories that Empower You To Build a Positive and Secure Relationship with Food

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Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!