One Small Bite

Ep 177: Is Food Noise Really A Thing, or Just Gaslighting?

David Orozco Episode 177

I came across this article the other day titled Beyond Hunger: Understanding Food Noise, and I thought “Oh, this is interesting, Food Noise. I wonder if it’s something about intuitive eating or an article about weight-inclusivity.” Well spoiler alert, it isn't. 

Supposedly, this idea of Food Noise is actually a term that has been floating around healthcare and various social channels. But what it is not, is a scientific and evidenced-based term. 

That’s what I’m going to talk about in this episode... 

  • What is Food Noise and who’s perpetuating it
  • How WW is gaslighting you
  • How this gaslighting is blaming you 
  • How Food Noise is propaganda to sell their services
  • What Food Noise really is and what we can do to help