One Small Bite

Ep 185: The Skinny on Fat and Alternatives to Omega-3s - Part 1

David Orozco Episode 185

Something so common in the nutrition and health world is this idea of the magic bullet nutrient. Fats in food used to be that magic bullet for me. I used to think that if people could just get higher amounts of monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, things would be so much better. They’d be able to enjoy food, feel satiated more often, and not overeat. 

Boy was this thinking flawed! 

In this episode, I break down the skinny on fats in our diets. What they are, where they come from, and what to pay attention to. Listen in as I go through the four main groups of fats - Saturated, Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, and Trans Fatty Acids. And then in my next episode I’ll discuss Omega-3s and some alternatives to Omega-3s that can help us enjoy a longer, more nourished life.   

I’m excited for this one. This episode is packed with great information about the types of fats that are helpful, and what to look out for in the ones that aren’t. Come and join me in this two part series on the skinny on fats.