The Women's Fittest Podcast
The Women’s Fittest podcast host, Debra Jean Terpstra, is a 47-year-old, lifetime drug-free women's physique bodybuilder, coach, business owner, and single mom, delivering a balance of scientific and anecdotal health and fitness info uniquely purposed for women. Critical thinkers will find practical application on everything fitness related from healthy food relationships to contest prep. Whatever your level of knowledge Debra provides expert advice on nutrition, exercise, hormones, mental health, and more, delivered in easy to understand vernacular from a variety of evidence-based and experienced foundations. Debra's passion for bodybuilding and the human condition is apparent in her personal interviews that showcase NPC and IFBB athletes (her guests) in a raw and genuine way. These women are the heart and soul of professional bodybuilding and fitness, and these are their real-life experiences. The Women’s Fittest is your one stop shop for bodybuilding and fitness info, no matter where you are in your journey. Healthy looks different on everybody.
The Women's Fittest Podcast
IFBB Pro Janessa Roy: Competing w/in a year of giving birth
Thanks for listening to another episode of The Women’s Fittest Podcast! This is episode #179 with IFBB Women’s Physique Pro Janessa Roy.
Janessa and I became instagram friends after several voice message exchanges while she was contest prepping and faithfully listening to the podcast while getting her steps in through outdoor walks (cardio). After learning she was barely a year post partum, I asked her to be a guest on the show.
Truthfully she gives a very interesting and detailed perspective on competing so soon after having a baby. This is a controversial topic, and though I still believe Janessas situation isn’t the norm and I wouldn’t usually recommend one steps on stage so soon after giving birth, I understand her reasoning.
I hope you enjoy the details in her story and how thoughtfully she executed this prep with balance—a word rarely accepted in the bodybuilding/contest prep space, and discernment. I hope you glean perspective, and education, while leaving judgement at the door. Janessa is inspiring, smart, and passionate about her family and this sport. Enjoy this convo!
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Find all these links and more at Debra’s linktree: https://linktr.ee/Buffcake22