SelfKind: Conversations in self-care, kindness and compassion for highly sensitive people

Ep 285: The mistake you don't know you're making

Erica Episode 285

Hey there, and welcome to this episode of SelfKind with me, Erica Webb. In this episode, I'm exploring the complex relationship between personal beliefs, self-expectations, and being a highly sensitive person.

There's a 'mistake' that you probably don't know you're making when it comes to trying to be a good *something* (parent, business owner, partner, human ...). Today, I want to support you to see where this 'mistake' could be creeping in.

You'll hear:
- Why you might so easily mistake your overwhelm and overstimulation for evidence that you're not 'good enough'
- Why the word 'should' is a good internal alarm to get your attention
- How nurturing and honouring your sensitivity will always yield better outcomes than trying to 'tame' it
- And more.

I hope you find this episode helpful. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Let's connect:

Grab my free download: 3 Somatic Practices for the Overwhelmed HSP:

About your host, Erica Webb:
Erica Webb is a registered counsellor, somatic exercise coach and highly sensitive person. She supports other highly sensitive people to discover their sensitivity superpowers and more confidently navigate the tricky bits of being a sensitive person in an often insensitive world.

Share your thoughts with me over on Instagram or via my website.
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