Fraud Fighter Podcast
Fraud Fighter Podcast
050 - 2022 ACFE Global Fraud Conference Review - Robert Nordlander
The 2022 ACFE Global Fraud Conference was held in June of 2022 in Nashville, TN. Your host, Robert Nordlander, attended the conference and gives a review of the conference, including the venue, speakers, and the event itself. This was his first attendance of the conference so he did not know what to expect and overall gave it a thumbs up. Although the sessions were good, most of value was not from the sessions itself but meeting fellow podcast guests and session speakers outside of the conference.
BTW, this is the 50th episode. The podcast has currently exceeded 30,000 downloads in over 130 countries and 3,000 cities. Thank you for the listeners and podcast guests for making this achievement happen.
Mary Breslin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/marybreslin/
Derek Ellington - https://www.linkedin.com/in/derekellington/
Jo Erven - https://www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-jo-erven-ace/
Leah Wietholter - https://www.linkedin.com/in/leah-wietholter-cfe-pi-cpa-33557815/
Ian Mitchell - https://www.linkedin.com/in/iantmitchell/