Park Pals: A Parks and Recreation Podcast
Hosted by Holly Constant and Madi Hockaday, (two real-life Ann and Leslie's) Park Pals is a fun Parks and Recreation rewatch podcast! We research every episode DEEPLY from deleted scenes to interviewing guest stars that were actually on the show, all while relating it back to our real lives and delightful tangents. <3 We do all the work so you can just sit back and have fun learning! Join us you tropical fish! Insights or questions? parkpalspodcast@gmail.com
144 episodes
(S5Ep19) Article Two!
Omg it's Ted Party day!!!!!!! aka Star Wars/Patton Oswalt Day! Today, we get some behind-scenes on removing some Pawnee charter rules, Chris and Ron debate which motivation tactic is better, and Ann and Ben join forces to figure out Leslie's in...

(S5Ep18) Animal Control!
Starting this episode with our Partridge park ranger, Clark Freeman! Thank you so much for talking about your original audition (not a park ranger!), getting the call the NIGHT BEFORE and how sweet Adam Scott is! Plus, keep an eye out for his p...

(S5Ep17) Partridge!
We're headed to Partridge, people! Ben on painkillers is the absolute best, Jamm gets Jammed, and Chris and Ann are... not doing great compatibility-wise. We have a lot to discuss and Madi is back! We get to hear an awesome deleted scene from B...

(S5Ep16) Bailout!
HAPPY GALENTINES! Let's celebrate by reviewing a classic Parks episode! New guests coming in hot! (Jenny Slate/Mona Lisa omg!!!) Parks and business mix with a quintessential Ron and Leslie moment! And we discuss/rant about how in the heck did C...
(S5Ep15) Correspondents Lunch!
Oh, the awkwardness. April asks Chris to be a sperm donor and I go on a tangent about how it didn't have to be this way. Leslie gets her jokes stolen and Donna saves the day with her magical prowess by finding the thief! (it wasn't Jerry) <...

(S5Ep14) Leslie and Ben!
I love you and I like you! The moment we've been waiting for! So many guest stars from our last episode too! It's been a long and winding road as Tom says for these lovebirds, but we are so excited and honored to review this very special,...
(S5Ep13) Emergency Response!
50,000 dollars is so much money to raise in one episode, but we can do it!!!!! Especially in this season! Leslie is called away to work on an emergency preparedness test for the city while the Parks gang takes over the fundraising gala to get t...

(S5Ep12) Ann's Decision!
The episode that started it all! (Or at least the name of our show... "I guess we're Park Pals" *wink*) But honestly, I think our name comes from the true amazing park pals we get to come on this show and share their stories. Words can't really...

(S5Ep11) Women In Garbage!
All the guest stars this week, so exciting! Thank you so very much to everyone who sent in these awesome, detail-filled behind-the-scenes messages, we love!Women can do anything. The end, bye! :) Tim Trobec (construction worker ...
(S5Ep10) Two Parties!
How did Newt Gingrich get here? Is there such a thing as too many penis shaped things? Can Jerry kick a field goal? Are the Colts super cool? Discover all that and more on this week's episodes of Two Parties! The compassion, the friendship, the...
(S5Ep9) Ron and Diane!
Did you know some of the woodworkers in this episode are real woodworkers!? So much wood to be worked - we love Tammy omg Plus, Leslie is meeting Diane, Diane is meeting Tammy, Chris is meeting Millie's fiance, WE ARE MEETING GAYLE...
Re-share: Our Conversation with Yvans Jourdain!
Some of you haven't listened to the amazing conversation I had with Yvans Jourdain and you need to!!!! We absolutely loved talking about all things spiritual, acting, overcoming insecurities and the journey life takes you on! PS - He's in a Pax...
(S5Ep8) Pawnee Commons!
Yay, we're talking about the Park that started it all! First we start with jazz plus jazz equals jazz, then we get into Eagleton vs. Pawnee while Tom shows such a great growth arc and Burt Macklin hangs up his shades. Did you know Brad ...

(S5Ep7) Leslie vs April!
This week, we're discussing whose side you're on! Leslie or April or was there a way to compromise? Seems like we all had different gut reactions, but we all know we could (and did) compromise somehow :)ALSO PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN HELLO!!!...

Our Conversation with Mary Faber! (aka Kathryn Pinewood)
Yay, welcome Mary Faber to the pod, the iconic Kathryn Pinewood of the Pawnee Restaurant Association!! First, we talk about all things Parks, like auditioning, working with her old college pal Gregory Levine (script supervisor), improvising som...

(S5Ep6) Ben's Parents!
Are you a Twizzlers or Red Vines family? Should we invest in gold? Who did Adam Scott originally audition for? All that and more on this new episode where we break down meeting Ben's parents, Chris's emotional rollercoaster, and the growth of T...
Freebie: Madi and Holly Therapy Talk!
Hi! Throwing you a bonus today, because I hit record and we didn't know this cool chat about therapy would happen <3 We discuss our therapists, (which leads wonderfully into Chris being open about his therapy journey), what works be...

(S5Ep5) Halloween Surprise!
Yay, Halloween is here, a sad Fart Attack, and the LERPISS FAMILY!! We learn what the real Halloween movie name that's shown at the Parks Dept (it's called Blood Hook from the 80's), Tom invents Rent-A-Swag, and Ron, Leslie and Ben all take ste...

(S5Ep4) Sex Education!
"Great news! Lots of old people have chlamydia." This week, we discuss abstinence-only vs Leslie's sex education! (Where for some reason we have bananas, a cucumber, a pineapple AND a watermelon?) Also, this story line was based on a real discu...

Freebie: Focus Vs Manifesting?
Hi I saw a video on Tik Tok (Surprise, surprise) about a focus wheel and I wanted to share my exercise with you! I've always found manifesting difficult to wrap my head around, because I'd like to experience peace and contentment now, not when ...

(S5Ep3) How A Bill Becomes A Law!
THE PERM. MUST. WAIT. We start this episode discussing the Olympics (GO USA AND BEYONCE AND CELINE AND SIMONE AND EVERYONE!) then we dive into how a bill becomes a law!!! What a great episode to set up some wonderful characters for the Parks ga...

Freebie: I Declare a New Year (HBD to me)
Hi everyone! I'm back! And it's free! And I don't think I cursed once... wtf?I talk about what's been happening this year of 2024 - job searches, how acting/singing/podcasting might not be the money-making career for me ever and that could ...
(S5Ep2) Soda Tax!
SO MANY GUEST STAR VOICE MEMOS! So many incredible visuals and government tax opinions!!!! And Madi is here! For the first hour, we hear from 3 guest stars that were in our Season 5 premiere of Ms. Knope Goes to Washington. First, *...
Season 5
(S5Ep1) Ms. Knope Goes to Washington!
Season 5 premiere baby! We're going to DC! Join me (Holly) as I take us through new camera operators for this season, where scenes in DC were shot and more commentary about how Ron can't just kill a pig in front of kids. Love that we get to see...
Season 5
Episode 1