PREPARED: Your Weekly Classic TBC Breakdown
We break down and discuss weekly world of warcraft news, hot topics and current events in Classic WoW & The Burning Crusade Classic.
Podcasting since 2021 • 47 episodes
PREPARED: Your Weekly Classic TBC Breakdown
Latest Episodes
Why Zirene left Riot Games, overcame depression & found his happiness | PREPARED #47
We cover the story of Zirene, from his serious health conditions to leaving Riot Games finding his happiness after dropping from the spotlight
Season 1
Episode 47

Why Sno is quitting, Blizzard killed the top EU server + quest helper drama | PREPARED #46
Sno explains why he's quitting the podcast and hardcore WoW (and also some catch up on Blizzard drama).
Season 1
Episode 46

Blizzard changed WoTLK - are these good changes & was TBC a flop? w/ Josh Corbett | PREPARED #45
Are Blizzard's latest announced wotlk changes good or bad? And we brought in Josh Corbett from Countdown to Classic to discuss his thoughts on dev behaviour, TBC on a whole and his thoughts going forward into WoTLK.
Season 1
Episode 45