PREPARED: Your Weekly Classic TBC Breakdown
We break down and discuss weekly world of warcraft news, hot topics and current events in Classic WoW & The Burning Crusade Classic.
47 episodes
Why Zirene left Riot Games, overcame depression & found his happiness | PREPARED #47
We cover the story of Zirene, from his serious health conditions to leaving Riot Games finding his happiness after dropping from the spotlight
Season 1
Episode 47

Why Sno is quitting, Blizzard killed the top EU server + quest helper drama | PREPARED #46
Sno explains why he's quitting the podcast and hardcore WoW (and also some catch up on Blizzard drama).
Season 1
Episode 46

Blizzard changed WoTLK - are these good changes & was TBC a flop? w/ Josh Corbett | PREPARED #45
Are Blizzard's latest announced wotlk changes good or bad? And we brought in Josh Corbett from Countdown to Classic to discuss his thoughts on dev behaviour, TBC on a whole and his thoughts going forward into WoTLK.
Season 1
Episode 45

Was R14 A Mistake - Blizzard's Top 5 Changes in Classic WoW | Prepared #44
We rank Blizzard's best top 5 changes in classic WoW up till now + discuss the upcoming fresh WoTLK servers being launched.
Season 1
Episode 44

P5 Class DPS Ranks, Classic WoW Lead's Interview, Physical DPS loot comparisons | Prepared #43
We compare week 1 and 2 class performance in Sunwell and break down the recent interview of Brian Birmingham, Classic WoW current lead developer.
Season 1
Episode 43

Blizzard's tragic P5 news + how to level fast w/ Tactics (world record speedrunner) | Prepared #42
Blizzard gave only 1 week notice for P5, let's talk about it. Also world record speed leveller Tactics joins us to tell us about levelling and his new gold guide.
Season 1
Episode 42

WoTLK launch breakdown, P5 PTR, Hunters DST lies, S3 PvP ending early | Prepared #41
Breaking down the WoTLK announcement details, P5 PTR and we talk about hunters being the most untrustworthy class in WoW.
Season 1
Episode 41

Blizzard's TOP 5 Classic Mistakes - Why Classic Is Dying | Prepared #40
We go over what we think are the 5 biggest mistakes Blizzard made in classic WoW up until now.
Season 1
Episode 40

Why pros are quitting WoW & what makes top pvpers better w/ C9 Chanimal | PREPARED #39
C9 Chanimal sits down to discuss the issues with WoW pvp, what he'd like to see changed and what makes top pvpers better than you (and me).
Season 1
Episode 39

WoTLK leaked & ZA on PTR + Hunters & players cheating with fake logs and programs | PREPARED #38
WoTLK was leaked and ZA is on PTR! We also talk about the recent log editing and cheating drama and what might happen next.
Season 1
Episode 38

Why top guilds fail (what makes them different) + Zirene's week 3 glaive set | Prepared #37
Zirene and Tetsu both guild quit this week - we talk about why top guilds fail/have friction and also Zirene's insane week 3 warglaives set.
Season 1
Episode 37

P3 World First, Glaives droprate talk & Huge PvP changes | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #36
Covering the P3 launch events, the high amount of glaives so far and the big PvP changes that went live.
Season 1
Episode 36

Microsoft Buys Blizzard & Why WoW content doesn't get views | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #35
We talk how the $68 billion dollars buyout might affect WoW and go into a deeper talk on Why WoW content performs so poorly on YouTube.
Season 1
Episode 35

P3 announced + changes: what's good vs bad (+ pvp end of season shenanigans) | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #34
Going over what's good vs. bad in the P3 announcement, dates, changes and the pvp end of season shenanigans
Season 1
Episode 34

Did Blizzard go too far with nerfs, Community council talk & P3 | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #33
We look over the p2 raid nerfs and discuss community council and why the current council is a mess.
Season 1
Episode 33

Blizzard NEEDS to fix this PvP breaking problem | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #32
We cover some points from Blizzard's classic dev interview and talk about the big PvP arena issue in TBC right now.
Season 1
Episode 32

Blizzard's big mistake & what they should have done instead | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #31
Blizzard messed up, then took their mistake back. Here's what they should have done instead (and we also talk about Riot's Arcane and the potential mmorpg implications)
Season 1
Episode 31

Ultimate Rogue Copium Comp & Can Blizzard's Council Fix WoW? | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #30
Will Blizzard community council help fix WoW or too little too late? And Zirene also makes the ultimate rogue copium raid comp this week.
Season 1
Episode 30

Is New World actually killing WoW? Here are the stats | PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #29
We discuss the New World vs. WoW player numbers, Season of Mastery updates and what our ideal TBC timeline would look like in a perfect Blizzard world.
Season 1
Episode 29

How to run a guild that doesn't suck - PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #28
Zirene and Sno's guide to running a WoW guild that doesn't suck (raidleading, loot system, guild structure and more!)
Season 1
Episode 28

Everything WRONG with Classic Fresh 'Season of Mastery' - PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #27
Discussing new Blizzard Classic Fresh server announcement and why we think it will fail + looking at the aftermath of the giant pvp ban waves.
Season 1
Episode 27

S1 PvP destroyed by gladiator boosting? - PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #26
We cover the gladiator boosts and r1 cheaters, oceania gladiator cheating drama, and the world 1st TBC clear by <Progress>.
Season 1
Episode 26

Which class gets T5 first? - PREPARED: Classic TBC Podcast #25
Looking over Blizzard's p2 announcement timing, t5 loot prio and a lookback and p1 class dps rankings from start to finish.
Season 1
Episode 25