The Coaching Your Family Relationships Podcast

How to Ride the Waves of Life Without Drowning

Tina Gosney Episode 159
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Episode 159 - How to Ride the Waves of Life Without Drowning


We all get caught up in trying to arrange the people and situations in our lives just the way we want them to be so that we can be happy. 

We will find ourselves trying to hold onto things that want and need to change and pushing away difficult situations we don’t want to have. 

The true cycle of life is of expansion and contraction. Things we love come and go. Things we don’t love come and go. If we can learn to not get caught up requiring the circumstances of our life to be a certain way so that we can find happiness, we will have a much more peaceful life.

To help you begin to learn how to get out of the push/pull cycle, I’ve included a meditation in this podcast. 

Meditation: minutes 16:17 – 25:40

Did you enjoy this meditation and want more of these? Email me at and give me your feedback. 


Do your holiday family get-togethers get a little (or a lot) dramatic and difficult? If they do, you’re not alone. I’ve created a free pdf guide called: 

The 3-Step Process to Keeping Your Cool Around Family Holiday Drama


You can’t change your family members, but you can manage yourself around whatever happens. This guide will help you to feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions no matter what happens. 


Tina Gosney is the Family Conflict Coach. She helps her clients move past contention in their homes and move into connection. Developing healthy family relationships can change lives.

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Tina is certified in family relationships and a trauma informed coach.
Visit for more information on coaching services.