Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness

Here’s a Secret: I Still Have Bad Body Image Moments (and Here’s How I Get Through Them)

Jemma Haythorne Season 2 Episode 158

I’m a Body Image and Food Freedom Coach, so my entire job is about body acceptance and confidence, self love, and knowing that your worth doesn’t depend on the way you look… but sometimes I look in the mirror and think “f*ck… I wish I didn’t look like that”.

(This is where you can faint with shock!)

I still have bad body image days. But how I respond to them now is completely different! In this episode, I’ll share the 7 things I do when I have a bad body image moment, so you can add them to your toolkit.

💥 First step: Download my free Building Body Acceptance online course 💥

Download the FREE Building Body Acceptance self-paced online course here.

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