Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness
Welcome to Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness! I'm here to help you ditch the diets, create sustainable habits, improve your mindset, love your body and become your next level self. I'm Jemma, and I'm a Body Image & Food Freedom Coach, anti-diet advocate and your ultimate hype girl. Let's get you feeling like your happiest and healthiest self.
173 episodes
Food Freedom 101: Make Eating Effortless with Leah Hortin - The Anti Diet Health Coach
When I first heard about intuitive eating, I think I snorted. “As if THAT could ever work!”Yet now, I’m waving pom poms and cheering about intuitive eating to anyone who’ll listen! It changed my life: no more food noise, no more stress o...
Season 2
Episode 172

Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Body: The Missing Link to Becoming Confident AF
I used to be the queen of trying to overthink my way to confidence. I'd logically KNOW that I didn’t need to shrink my body or prove myself to anyone, yet deep down, my body and nervous system didn’t quite believe it. Can you relate...
Season 2
Episode 171

The Sneaky Reason You STILL Hate Your Body (Even After You’ve Done All the ‘Work’)
So you’ve read the body positive books. You’ve unfollowed the influencers who make you feel like shit. You’ve tried affirmations, therapy, journalling… And yet, you STILL struggle with your body. WTF?!In this episode, I’m breaking down t...
Season 2
Episode 170

Triggered? GOOD. Here’s Why That Actually Fkn Rocks!
💥VALENTINE’S DAY SALE: Save 25% on all 1:1 coaching packages! Click here to check them out 💥Recently, I was told that my social media content had triggered someo...
Season 2
Episode 169

Choose Freedom over Fear (Or Die Wondering “What If?”)
💥VALENTINE’S DAY SALE: Save 25% on all 1:1 coaching packages! Click here to check them out 💥Today is my birthday! Birthdays always get me into reflection mode, s...
Season 2
Episode 168

Nobody Tells You This About Becoming a Confident Person
I used to believe that a confident person was the loudest person in the room, who had no self-doubt and was nailing it in all areas of their life.Now that I’m a confident person, I can categorically say that this is not true (unfortunate...
Season 2
Episode 167

How to Stop Giving So Many F*cks About What Other People Think
People comment to me all of the time that I just don’t seem to care what other people think, and that they wish they could be like that too.🤔🤔🤔 < my face. Do you think I was BORN this way?! No! I’ve had to cultivate my no-f*c...
Season 2
Episode 166

Feeling at Home in Your Body After Infertility or Pregnancy Loss with Sarah Cox
Building body acceptance and confidence can be hard enough, but what about when you have a body that keeps denying you something that you desperately want? That can take the difficulty to a whole new level.For people who are struggling w...
Season 2
Episode 165

Entering the Confidence Era: A New Chapter for Inspire Wellness
New podcast intro, new bio, new title, new programs coming… what’s going on at Inspire Wellness?!After doing a tonne of reflecting about 2024, I’m ushering in a new era in my business: The Confidence Era. Some things are changing, some t...
Season 2
Episode 164

Ditching Disordered Eating with Dr. Maria-Christina Stewart
We all know how harmful eating disorders are, but the same attention isn’t given to disordered eating, despite it being far more prevalent. So, how do we know when our eating has become disordered and what can we do about it?Dr. Maria-Ch...
Season 2
Episode 163

The ONE Secret Thing You Need to Guarantee All of Your 2025 Goals
How many times have you set a goal at New Years, only to look back a year later and think ‘lol, I failed again’?I’d bet my entire savings balance that it’s happened to you before!You’re in luck, because 2025 is the year that you’r...
Season 2
Episode 162

Choose Nourishment Over Punishment This Festive Season
The festive season brings plenty of fun - parties, mince pies, Christmas decorations, beach trips with your friends - but it can also bring a lot of ‘shoulds’, with a side serving of guilt and shame if you don’t live up to them.This year...
Season 2
Episode 161

Be a Little Bit Delulu (And Other Lessons for Becoming Confident AF)
Recently, my coach suggested that I shift away from ‘body image and food freedom’ coaching and into confidence coaching - without the focus on our relationship with our bodies.My answer was “respectfully, f*ck that - I care too much abou...
Season 2
Episode 160

Living Life on YOUR Terms (Without Caring What Others Think) with Kirsty Head
Choosing to live a life of body acceptance and food freedom can be seen as going against the grain, since society tells us to pursue thinness at all costs. Overcoming the fear of what other people think can be a huge barrier for many of us, but...
Season 2
Episode 159

Here’s a Secret: I Still Have Bad Body Image Moments (and Here’s How I Get Through Them)
I’m a Body Image and Food Freedom Coach, so my entire job is about body acceptance and confidence, self love, and knowing that your worth doesn’t depend on the way you look… but sometimes I look in the mirror and think “f*ck… I wish I didn’t lo...
Season 2
Episode 158

Embracing the True You with Amy Donovan
Imagine if you looked at photos and felt happy, rather than shying away from the camera?For boudoir photographer Amy Donovan, the journey of self-acceptance has been both personal and professional. After struggling with body image from a...
Season 2
Episode 157

Balance is Bullsh*t: Embracing New Seasons and Letting Go of Perfection
Is anyone else feeling like they’re absolutely slogging it out to make it to the end of the year? I can relate!Many of us feel the pressure to ‘do it all’, and when we can’t balance all of our commitments perfectly, we feel like we’re fa...
Season 2
Episode 156

Coming Home to Connection With Your Body with Emma Walkinshaw
When you spend a lifetime at war with your body, it’s easy to feel disconnected from it. This makes it harder to practice intuitive eating (how are you supposed to TRUST your body’s cues?!), harder to enjoy movement (every workout is a fight) a...
Season 2
Episode 155

4 of My Favourite Tools for Body Confidence
I hosted a live, in-person workshop on body confidence a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t want you to miss out on all of the goodness because you couldn’t make it!Today I’m sharing four of my favourite, simple exercises for body confiden...
Season 2
Episode 154

Embracing the Duality of Life with Lisa Ferg
Let’s get honest about what it means to embrace your whole self (without the toxic positivity and ‘love and light’ energy 24/7), and get comfy with the duality of life. I met Lisa last month at The Mind School, and I knew I’d met so...
Season 2
Episode 153

Body Acceptance is For EVERY Body (Not Just the Thin Ones)
Have you ever felt like body acceptance isn’t for you, because of your body’s shape, size or weight? I’m here to tell you that is straight up FALSE.Recently, I went to a screening of Your Fat Friend: The Film (by Jeanie Finlay and Aubrey...
Season 2
Episode 152

Body Positivity for Men and Challenging Gender Norms with Jake Kneesh
Have you ever noticed that body image and self-love are generally seen as a ‘women’s issue’? In actual fact, 45% of men in Australia dislike their bodies.We need to start the conversation about how we can support the men in our lives to ...
Season 2
Episode 151

Vulnerable Episode: 3 Things That Rocked My Confidence and How I Handled Them
Get ready for a vulnerable episode! Today I’m sharing three things that I would NEVER have shared in the past - in fact, I would have responded to them completely differently to how I have recently.The change is all down to how much mind...
Season 2
Episode 150

How Lana Went From Secret Binge Eating and Self-Sabotage to Self-Love
Imagine if you could go from being a serial secret binge-eater who is constantly losing and gaining the same 10 kgs, to someone who loves too many things about themselves to name and has built incredible self worth…Oh wait, you can, beca...
Season 2
Episode 149