Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness

Food Freedom 101: Make Eating Effortless with Leah Hortin - The Anti Diet Health Coach

Jemma Haythorne Season 2 Episode 172

When I first heard about intuitive eating, I think I snorted. “As if THAT could ever work!”

Yet now, I’m waving pom poms and cheering about intuitive eating to anyone who’ll listen! It changed my life: no more food noise, no more stress or guilt, no more ‘shoulds’ or sh*tty meal plans that left me feeling hangry.

Leah Hortin is The Anti Diet Health Coach, and she’s on the same intuitive-eating loving train as me.

In this episode, we chat about: 

  • How to get rid of the food noise - without using Ozempic!
  • What to do if you don’t have ‘normal’ hunger and fullness cues
  • Ditching the food rules, even if you’re a Type A personality who lives for structure
  • Are you practicing intuitive eating or are you turning it into another diet in disguise?
  • How to make intuitive eating automatic and effortless (even if right now it feels mentally draining AF)
  • Handling your inner bitch when she pops up around what you’re eating

Follow Leah on Instagram, check out her website or listen to her podcast - The Anti Diet Life.

Download the FREE Building Body Acceptance self-paced online course here.

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