Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness

The Sneaky Reason You STILL Hate Your Body (Even After You’ve Done All the ‘Work’)

Jemma Haythorne Season 2 Episode 170

So you’ve read the body positive books. You’ve unfollowed the influencers who make you feel like shit. You’ve tried affirmations, therapy, journalling… And yet, you STILL struggle with your body. WTF?!

In this episode, I’m breaking down the biggest reason why you can’t shake your body insecurities - even after doing ALL the things - and how to finally move past them for GOOD.

 I’ll share:

  • The sneaky way society keeps you stuck in body shame (even if you’re anti diet culture)
  • Why surface level self love won’t fix the deeper issue
  • The gnarly work that is a MUST if you want to stop obsessing over your body once and for all
  • How to actually start healing your body shame (without getting stuck in the shitty part)

Ready to do the deep work and finally free yourself from body obsession? Check out my 1:1 coaching packages - I’ve got your back.

Download the FREE Building Body Acceptance self-paced online course here.

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