Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness

Choose Nourishment Over Punishment This Festive Season

Jemma Haythorne Season 2 Episode 161

The festive season brings plenty of fun - parties, mince pies, Christmas decorations, beach trips with your friends - but it can also bring a lot of ‘shoulds’, with a side serving of guilt and shame if you don’t live up to them.

This year, I’d love you to take a healthier approach to the festive season: choose nourishment over punishment. Today’s episode is taken from a talk I recently did for The Hive, and it’s all about ditching the ‘shoulds’, the guilt and the shame for the festive season, so that we can choose self-compassion instead.

PS. This is the final episode for 2024 as I go on a two week break for the holidays! See you all next year 💖

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