Master Your Relationship Mind Drama
Feeling anxious and insecure in your relationships? Showing up in ways you don't love and struggling to manage your mind and emotions? Relationship coach, Rebecca Ore is here to help.
Master Your Relationship Mind Drama
123. How to stop feeling controlled by your anxious brain
This episode is for anyone that's tired of feeling like a slave to their anxious brain.
One of the biggest shifts for me was changing my relationship to my anxious thoughts.
Most of us take our thoughts verrrrry seriously. We think the fact our brain is saying something to us MUST mean it's true.
We place a lot of importance on the thoughts in our brain - and then end up ruminating, spiralling, and acting in ways we really don't love.
In today's episode, I'm talking about:
- Why we have such unhelpful thoughts
- Why understanding the purpose of these thoughts is powerful
- And I'm sharing practical tools for shifting into the observer of the thoughts - instead of feeling at the mercy of them
Mentioned in the episode:
I HAVE 1:1 COACHING SPOTS AVAILABLE. Email: Rebecca@rebeccaorecoaching.com