Master Your Relationship Mind Drama
Feeling anxious and insecure in your relationships? Showing up in ways you don't love and struggling to manage your mind and emotions? Relationship coach, Rebecca Ore is here to help.
125 episodes
125. Listener Q&A (Feeling guilt, missing a 'sign', busy partners, partner w/ female friends - AND MORE)
In today's episode - I'm answering questions written in by some of you lovely listeners.We're going to cover a wide range of topics, including:Feeling guilt for things like finding other people attractiveShoul...
Season 1
Episode 125
124. Dealing with jealousy in relationships
Do you often feel jealous in your relationships?Maybe your partner mentions a new co-worker, or a friend you're a little insecure about, or maybe you get that pit in your stomach when your best friend mentions one of their other friends....
Season 1
Episode 124
123. How to stop feeling controlled by your anxious brain
This episode is for anyone that's tired of feeling like a slave to their anxious brain.One of the biggest shifts for me was changing my relationship to my anxious thoughts.Most of us take our thoughts verrrrry seriously. We think ...
Season 1
Episode 123
122. What are your values? (in and out of your relationship)
In today's episode, I'm talking about how knowing our core values can help guide us in and out of our relationships.We'll be covering:What values areHow yours and your partner's values may differWhether that...
Season 1
Episode 122
121. Navigating the challenges of a partner's addiction - Interview with Mariah Kay
In today's episode, I'm interviewing one of my past clients and amazing friends - Mariah Kay. Mariah speaks openly about her journey navigating her husband's alcohol addiction and talks about how you can help your partner in their r...
Season 1
Episode 121
120. Listener Q&A (Fear of falling out of love, when to break up, and MORE)
As promised - in today's episode I'm answering 6 questions from listeners on a variety of topics.Including:The fear of falling out of love with your partnerWhen to end a relationship / when to try again...
Season 1
Episode 120
119. Trust in the digital age
Do you feel terrified about what your partner may or may not be doing online...Here's a snippet from a question I received from a listener:"My question is about trusting someone in the digital age. It feels like more and mor...
Season 1
Episode 119
118. Turning relationship fears into courage
Anyone who has ever felt anxiety in their relationships will know what it's like to feel constantly afraid. To fear what other people might be thinking of us...To fear what our partners or friends might do...To fear having ...
Season 1
Episode 118
117. The 4 types of responses we can get when we make a request (and how to handle each)
Ever make requests of your partner (or friend / family member) and maybe they agree to do it... but they don't really do it the way you hoped?Maybe you ask them to plan more romantic date nights - and they do for a week or so -...
Season 1
Episode 117
116. Stop letting your story about the past ruin your relationships
Our brains are always constructing a narrative. We make meanings out of the things that have happened in our pasts, and then these stories shape and distort the way we think about situations in our present and what we create for our fut...
Season 1
Episode 116
115. Dealing with unmet expectations
Do you feel a little frustrated, disappointed or let down by some of the people in your life right now?Maybe you had expectations of how certain relatives or loved ones would behave over Christmas, and they didn't quite hit the mark...<...
Season 1
Episode 115
114. Boundaries and regressing around family (Holiday special)
Feeling dread as Christmas approaches? Worrying about spending time with family members and feeling triggered?Have you done a lot of work on yourself this year, and fear that it may all fly out the window as soon as you're around your p...
Season 1
Episode 114
113. If it's not my partner's job to 'make me feel good', what's the point of relationships? (BLAST FROM THE PAST)
This week, I'm resharing one of my older episodes which answers a really common question I get when I teach people that their partners don't create their feelings.People ask me: 'But if my partner isn't creating my emotions for m...
Season 1
Episode 113
112. Our obsession with ‘red flags’ (and why it’s unhelpful)
Do you see posts on Instagram about red flags and instantly feel the pit of anxiety in your stomach?Are you often worried about missing the signs that your partner isn't trustworthy? And have you beaten yourself up in the p...
Season 1
Episode 112
111. Breaking the pattern (navigating reoccurring issues)
Do you and your partner often have the same fight over and over?Or is there an issue you have with a friend that has been happening for a while now - and you just can't seem to break the cycle?Do you find yourself having the sam...
Season 1
Episode 111
110. Codependent thinking
We can all be a little codependent sometimes. We're all humans with human brains after all!But sometimes codependent ways of thinking can take on a life of their own - and create a lot of anxiety, fear, and resentment in relationships.&...
Season 1
Episode 110
109. What NOT to do when you're anxious
When we're feeling anxious, there are certain things that are going to help us...And certain things that aren't... In today's episode, I'm talking about the things that DO NOT help you when you're feeling anxious and ...
Season 1
Episode 109
108. Why we worry and how to stop - a conversation with Emilie Leyes
Does your brain just LOVE to worry? So much so you're pretty sure you could win an Olympic medal if worrying was a category? In today's episode, I'm talking to Emilie Leyes - expert in brain training and hypnosis - and founder of t...
Season 1
Episode 108
107. Becoming the partner / friend you'd want to have
How much time do you spend focusing on how other people should change or behave differently?If it's quite a lot... you're not alone!Our brains love to focus on how other people aren't doing it 'right' and how if they'd ...
Season 1
Episode 107
106. 30-phobia and milestone anxiety - A conversation with Kate Berski
Do you feel a looming pressure to 'get your shit together' by a certain age?Maybe it's a pressure to find a romantic partner...Buy a house...Get married...Have a child...
Season 1
Episode 106
105. Self-soothing when they need space
Do you find yourself feeling anxious when your partner isn't responding to you?Or does your partner like to take some space after an argument - and when they do, you feel panicky and unable to calm down until they've returned?If...
Season 1
Episode 105
104. Am I making excuses for them?
Do you ever fear that challenging your thoughts about other people's behaviour means you're gaslighting yourself?Do you want to make sure you're using these tools in a way that empowers you and doesn't keep you stuck in relationships th...
Season 1
Episode 104
103. How responsible am I for their feelings?
Do you often find yourself feeling responsible for the way other people feel?Feeling guilty if they're mad at you? Or changing your behaviour to try and manage other people's emotions?Do you hear me say that other people don't c...
Season 1
Episode 103
102. BLAST FROM THE PAST: Can I trust them?
Today I’m sharing a blast from the past - in the form of one of the first podcast episodes I ever recorded.Do you struggle with trusting your partner? Are you constantly questioning... but WHAT IF they are going to c...
Season 1
Episode 102
101. 5 questions for when you're feeling rejected
Our unmanaged minds can create so much unnecessary pain and drama in our relationships.If you often feel rejected and hurt in your relationships - then this episode is for YOU.I'm offering you 5 questions to help you take back c...
Season 1
Episode 101