The Dental Domination Podcast
The Dental Domination Podcast features in-depth conversations with dentists and leaders in oral health care focused on trends, innovations, and business strategies in an ever-changing profession. Hosted by DentalScapes co-founder Dan Brian, the podcast is a must-listen for any dentist interested in growing their practice, providing excellent patient service, and improving profitability.
The Dental Domination Podcast
"Don't Get Screwed" - Advice for Buying a Practice (feat. Dr. Joellyn Ferro)
Considering buying a dental practice? Before starting the process, be sure to check out Episode 11 of "The Dental Domination Podcast." In this action-packed episode, Dr. Joellyn Ferro, owner of JF Dental in Quincy, MA, shares the "nightmare" that began when she purchased an existing practice — and how she continues to dig out to this day. This is a must-listen for dentists entering private practice who want to avoid high-stress legal and financial troubles when buying an existing dental practice. Check out the show notes and connect with Dr. Ferro over here.