The Undetected Narcissist Podcast
Your host, Angela Myer takes you on a journey toward shifting your perspective from self-doubt, fear, hate and anger. Angela wants to support you in discovering and awakening your authentic self. The Undetected Narcissist Podcast is here to educate, support your recovery, and encourage your empowered transformation following narcissistic abuse. She will shine the light on various topics from autism, spirituality, trauma, emotional abuse, PTSD, narcissism, holistic health, self-care, and empaths. Angela Myer, author of The Undetected Narcissist, has over 20+ years experience, is an award winning CCHT, wellness and narcissistic recovery coach. Angela works with people globally to understand how a narcissist is not born, we create them. If we want to live in a world of peace and cooperation, we need to change the way we parent, treat each other, and stop being trauma ignorant.
How to raise your vibration and change one's mind
Lowest mind perspective vs. one's best authentic self - Master the Upper Rooms
Sex Trap or Beautiful, Terrific Love Making

Authentic Friends or Really Disastrous People - Master the Upper Rooms

Powerful Hypnotic look into REACTIVE ABUSE Fair Play Movie Review

Shame and Family Secrets

Why we should parent ourselves - Part Two Interview with Kim Holman & Meg Judge

How to break multigenerational abuse - Part One

Unstanding the Window of Tolerance

Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

How to deal with toxic parents - 25 tools and communication tips

How to spot toxic parents - 25 signs

Is my partner toxic?

50 Signs on how to spot a toxic friendship

Learning how to spot toxic people in employment positions

Bullying and Mental Health - Interview with Suzanne Jean

Why do I feel so emotionally weak?
How to protect yourself against abuse

Is LOVE possible after toxic relationships?
Shame and the shutdown response

How to Prevent Parental Alienation

Toxic relationship financial abuse - Interview with Safe Haven Services

Stuck in people pleasing and perfectionism - Interview with Kara Regas

How to spot trauma triggers

Reactive Abuse vs Mutual Abuse - Physical and Verbal Reactive Abuse Unpacked