Tack Box Talk
Equine academic professionals from across the country share their personal knowledge of all things horse to help you become a better owner.
161 episodes
Nutrition for Breeding: The story of how feeding your horse alters your chances of successful foals
In this breeding themed episode, we visit with Dr. Nettie Liburt, of Liburt Nutritional Consulting, to discuss what we as nutritionists can do to help with reproductive success. While not as exciting as hormone manipulation, what you feed your ...
Season 7
Episode 150

Selecting Sires: The story of finding the perfect man for your mare
In this Valentine's Day themed episode, Dr. Colleen Brady of Purdue University discusses how one should shop for the perfect stallion. We begin with the big question - should you even breed your mare? From handsome looks to stellar ...
Season 7
Episode 149

Dental Month: The story of look every horse in the mouth
It's Dental Month, and that means we are taking a deeper dive into horse teeth. Dr. Madelyn Melchiors returns to share her take on teeth, and why every horse needs regular dental care. From who is a dentist to if horse should have d...
Season 7
Episode 148

Working Equitation: The story of riding something new, Spanish style!
Stephanie Hayes, returning guest and founder for the Center of America's First Horse describes an exciting new sport - Working Equitation. This fun competition honors the traditional riding style of southern Europe. Think a mix of dressag...
Season 6
Episode 147

Spanish Mustangs: The story of a rare breed doing big things
Dr. Betsy Greene, University of Arizona, and Stephanie Hays, founder of the Center for America's First Horse, share how they came together to showcase this rare breed to others. The Spanish mustang, not to be confused with wild mustangs, ...
Season 6
Episode 146

Chiropractors:The story of pushing and pulling to make your horse feel great
Dr. Madelyn Melchiors, DVM and certified chiropractor, and Dr Betsy Greene, equine extension specialist, explain what horses may benefit from a chiropractor. We also discuss what certification your chiropractor should have, and how to tell if y...
Season 6
Episode 146

Heliacal Star: The story of your next read!
Victor Bahna, author and first time guest to the podcast, joins us to discuss his latest book - Heliacal Star, a page turning thriller based on the Thoroughbred racing industry. However, this isn't just book club, we discuss what changes ...
Season 6
Episode 145

Internships: The story of test driving a career
Dr. Betsy Greene, University of Arizona, and Dr. Kathy Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln discuss why they recommend internships as a valuable experience for college students. Whether credit or non-credit, before or after graduation, inte...
Season 6
Episode 144

Hay Nets: The story of how research provides answers
Dr. Michelle Deboer shares her latest research on the use of hay nets in horses. We discuss effects on teeth, hay wastage and body weight, and overall health. Here what dentists and chiropractors found after a two year study. This one is ...
Season 6
Episode 143

Fall Nonstructural Carbohydrates in Pastures: The story of when fall temperatures can bring hidden dangers.
Dr. Krishona Martinson, University of Minnesota, and Dr. Carey Williams, Rutgers University, discuss how temperature changes can affect the nonstructural carbohydrate content of fall pastures. We learn what types of horses this may presen...
Season 6
Episode 142

Sand: The story of how to keep it out of your horse
Dr. Chelsie Huseman of Texas A&M University discusses how to avoid sand ingestion in horses, the ramifications of eating too much sand and recommendations for treatment. We also talk about just how hot sand can be!
Season 6
Episode 141

Monensin in Horse Feeds: The story of practical advice for the average horse owner
In this episode, Dr. Betsy Greene of the University of Arizona and Dr. Nettie Liburt of Liburt Nutritional Consulting disuss the recent tragedy of monensin poisoning in horses. We talk about what risks may be present in different types of feed,...
Season 6
Episode 140

Students in Charge: The story of a unique program at the University of Vermont
Chrissy Rohan, senior lecturer at the University of Vermont, shares the unique way that students bring their horses to college. Student operated, this program provides students a great way to completely run and manage a university barn.
Season 6
Episode 139

Social License to Operate: The Story of keeping the horse industry in society's good graces
Dr. Colleen Brady, from Purdue University and researcher in show horse welfare discusses how the concept of social license to operate applies to the horse world. We discuss the reaction on social media to some of the more controversial events o...
Season 6
Episode 138

Genetics Part 2: The story of fragile foals and muscle disorders
Dr. Samantha Brooks, of the University of Florida, returns to discuss three new genetic diseases. We cover polysaccharide storage myopathy, the gene that impacts height in Thoroughbreds and fragile foal syndrome in warmbloods. We le...
Season 6
Episode 137

Study Abroad: The story of a grand appreciation for the Irish horse Industry.
Dr. Colleen Brady, Purdue University, Dr. Kathy Anderson, University of Nebraska, and Dr. Danielle Smarsh of Penn State University, all recently returned from a trip to Ireland. They share the unique features of the Irish horse industry that ke...
Season 6
Episode 136

Sane and Sound: The story of a equine geneticists goal to build a better horse
Dr. Samantha Brooks, world renown equine geneticist from the University of Florida joins us for a free ranging talk on how horses get their markers, how we might someday be able to breed for temperament and how even your temperament may predict...
Season 6
Episode 135

The State of the Union: The story of the current status of the horse industry
Julie Broadway, president of the American Horse Council breaks down the numbers on the recent economic impact study of the horse industry. Employment opportunities are up, people who love horses are everywhere and the future looks bright....
Season 6
Episode 133

Not for Profits: The story of how to get started
Dr. Karin Bump, equine business expert and owner of Saddle Up New York, provides great insight on not for profits. She clarifies how they are very distinct from private businesses and what aspiring entrepreneurs may need to get started. D...
Season 6
Episode 132

Foaling Part 2: The story of what needs to happen after baby has arrived
In this episode, Marissa Chapa, herd manager at Oklahoma State University, and Paige Linne, senior lecturer at Texas A&M University, return to talk about the needed care after the foal arrives. Follow the simple 1, 2, 3 rule to know i...
Season 6
Episode 131

Beware the white and yellow flowers: The story of when pretty things turn deadly
Dr. Krishona Martinson, equine extension specialist at the University of Minnesota, tells us what to be on the look out for what may be lurking in the shadows. Poisonous plants can often be found in shady, wet areas and along fence lines....
Season 6
Episode 129

It's Foal Time! The story of when not to panic
Marissa Chapa, herd manager for Oklahoma State University, and Paige Linne, Senior Lecturer for Texas A&M, share how they guide nervous students through the foaling process. From tips on how you know foaling is close, to how to stay r...
Season 6
Episode 130

Majestic oak or killer in disguise? The stories of what trees you need to be aware of in your horse pasture
Dr. Krishona Martinson, equine extension specialist at the University of Minnesota shares her tips on what trees are great at providing shade, and what trees may be a hidden danger in your pasture. But relax, it's not all bad news!
Season 6
Episode 128

What's that?: The story of toxic plants commonly found in hay
Dr. Krishona Martinson, equine extension specialist from the University of Minnesota, shares her type 5 list of toxic plants commonly found in hay. We discuss how to avoid them, how to spot them, and what your horse may experience.&...
Season 6
Episode 127

Feeding Myths: The stories of not always believing what you hear.
Dr. Nettie Liburt, of Liburt Equine Nutritional Consulting, shares her top misunderstanding that are frequently heard in the horse world. From what makes horses hot, to can you actually blow up your horse, we have a fun chat on what the data re...
Season 6
Episode 125